Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Film

#FemaleForwardInternational: Wenn Aktivismus auf Recht trifft

Denitsa Lyubenova ist eine Menschenrechtsanwältin und LGBTI-Aktivistin in Bulgarien. Sie ist keine stereotype Anwältin – ihr Ziel ist es, Gerechtigkeit und gleiche Rechte für Menschen aus verschiedenen Gemeinschaften zu erreichen. Denitsa half bei der Gründung der LGBTI-Organisation Deystvie („Aktion“). Sie hilft Kindern, die Staatsbürgerschaft zu erhalten, Ehen rechtlich anzuerkennen und HIV-Patienten den Zugang zu Medikamenten zu erleichtern.
Die Anwälte, die wir in Filmen sehen, treten in der

Digital Rights: Readings on Digital Rights you shouldn’t miss

Digitalisation has opened huge opportunities: cheap access to the means of communication, technology and services. But there is also a dark side to the story: Digitalization has given rise to new and powerful threats to democratic processes, human rights, privacy and the rule of law. We have compiled a selection of publications on this topic that you can download for free.
cases, the technology is used to create pornographic films

DISINFORMATION: Illegitimate protests, a rigged opposition and a conspiratorial media. The disinformation scene continues its attacks on democracy and the interests of the Slovak public

In the past two weeks, the disinformation ecosystem in Slovakia focused mainly on the civil and political protests that took place in Bratislava. Together with the representatives of the government coalition, they tried to delegitimize the protests in particular. The opposition was often labelled as controlled or rigged. Ad hominem attacks on Michal Šimečka and the Progressive Slovakia party complemented the latest reverberations of the Olympic Games.
and a dubious political analyst, suggests that many films

DISINFORMATION: World conflict, nuclear war and totalitarianism in the EU. Disinformers continue their attacks on the West and Ukraine

The disinformation ecosystem has returned to glorifying Russia and discrediting attacks on Ukraine. In particular, the so-called victory plan for Ukraine, which was presented by President Zelensky, has become a target. The European Union (EU) institutions also faced attacks and lies from disinformation agents.
by banning pride parades and censoring books and films

DISINFORMATION: Illegitimate protests, a rigged opposition and a conspiratorial media. The disinformation scene continues its attacks on democracy and the interests of the Slovak public

In the past two weeks, the disinformation ecosystem in Slovakia focused mainly on the civil and political protests that took place in Bratislava. Together with the representatives of the government coalition, they tried to delegitimize the protests in particular. The opposition was often labelled as controlled or rigged. Ad hominem attacks on Michal Šimečka and the Progressive Slovakia party complemented the latest reverberations of the Olympic Games.
and a dubious political analyst, suggests that many films

Deutschlandbilder: Wie sehen uns die Menschen in anderen Ländern?

Die Pandemie, der Krieg Russlands in der Ukraine und die Energiekrise haben dazu geführt, dass sich Deutschland unbequemen Wahrheiten stellen muss. Doch was denken eigentlich die Menschen in anderen Ländern über die Deutschen? Zu Themen wie Stärkung der Verteidigungsfähigkeit, Fracking, Verlängerung der Laufzeit der Atomreaktoren und Sicherheit der Energieversorgung ringt Deutschland um Positionen. Das nehmen die Menschen in anderen Ländern zur Kenntnis – oft mit einiger Verwunderung.
Südafrikaner konsumieren internationale Nachrichtensender, Filme