Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Film

Public Policies : Connecting to Transform: Multisectoral Event for Creative Industries in Medellín

During two days brimming with creative energy, Medellín emerged as an authentic cultural laboratory. Creative Partnerships: Alianzas Bacanas, a multisectoral gathering developed by CERLALC, deeply explored the intersection of crucial themes for Colombia’s creative industries. From the proliferation of artificial intelligence to the need for cultural capitalization and alliance formation, the event evolved into a hub of ideas and innovation. Medellín, the chosen stage, wasn’t randomly selected; the city positioned itself as another protagonist in this event, co-creating an experience that mirrored its commitment to innovation and transformation.
explored how she could transform her cell phone-made film


The up-and-coming Turkish politician, educational leader, businessperson with two decades of experience in several industries, and mother of two has much to tell about the worlds of business, politics, and education – not only in Turkey, but internationally. “Change in Turkey is imminent and the main catalysts of this change will be women”, says Zeynep Dereli, vice-president of the Democracy and Progress party (DEVA) and founder of Turkey’s first tech K-12 school, TINK, because “women are adaptable, we have this intrinsic ability.”
Watch the documentary film ‚One Day in the Life of 

Ukraine: Think Freedom: Der Bürgermeister

Der Job des Bürgermeisters einer ukrainischen Stadt inmitten eines unbegreiflichen Krieges ist unmöglich. Und doch wachen jeden Tag Menschen auf und machen es. Sehen Sie sich den Trailer zu ‚Think Freedom: The Major‘ an. Der vollständige Dokumentarfilm folgt in Kürze. Seit zehn Jahren kämpfen die Ukrainer für ihre Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit. Der Kampf findet nicht nur an der Front statt, sondern bei jedem Versuch, während des Krieges ein normales Leben zu führen.
Der vollständige Film kommt in Kürze.

Westbalkan | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Seit drei Jahrzehnten ist die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit in den Ländern des Westlichen Balkan aktiv und unterstützt die Staaten auf ihrem Weg in ein vereintes Europa. Von ihrem Projektbüro in Belgrad aus koordiniert die Stiftung die politische und zivilgesellschaftliche Bildungsarbeit und Beratung in Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kroatien, Kosovo und Serbien. Gemeinsam mit lokalen Partnern aus Politik und Zivilgesellschaft arbeitet sie schwerpunktmäßig zu den Themen Menschen- und Bürgerrechte, Digitale und Offene Gesellschaft, Demokratie- und Rechtsstaatlichkeit sowie an der Vermittlung europäischer Werte und Standards im Zuge des EU-Integrationsprozesses. – English Version – 
Der Film ist mehr als nur eine Geschichte, er spiegelt

Smart Cities: Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Smart Cities in Zentralamerika und Mexiko

Städte sind eine der wichtigsten Erfindungen der Menschheit. Die Entwicklung intelligenter urbaner Zentren ist für mehr Wohlstand in einer funktionierenden, gesunden und glücklichen Gesellschaft Voraussetzung. Smart Cities sind dann smart wenn sie in der Lage sind, Bildung, Wissenschaft, Technologie, Erfindungen, Kunst und Kultur zu bündeln, aber auch wenn sie es vermögen, Lebenshaltungskosten zu senken und bessere, günstigere Dienstleistungen anzubieten.
Bestandteil des Smart Cities Summit war ein Smart Cities Film

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
18.04.2024 „Think Freedom: The Catalyst“ Premiere and Film

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
18.04.2024 „Think Freedom: The Catalyst“ Premiere and Film

MENA: Migration and More: EURO-MENA-SHOW Kick-off for Digital Mediterranean Cooperation in Pandemic Times

The FNF Regional Office for the MENA Region, the FNF Mediterranean Dialogue Project in Madrid and its partner Casa Árabe, the official Spanish institute for relations with the Arab world, organised the EURO-MENA SHOW on 15 July. In addition to solutions to current challenges such as migration, security and tourism, the event focused on connecting elements that underline the common history as well as the inextricably linked present of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
Against this background, cultural elements on painting, film

Sofia | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Das Teilprojekt umfasst mit Bulgarien einen Mitgliedstaat und mit Nordmazedonien einen Beitrittskandidaten der Europäischen Union. Trotz verschiedener Stufen der europäischen Integration sowie unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, lassen sich sowohl Überscheidungen im Bereich Sprache und Kultur als auch in den politisch-gesellschaftlichen Problemstellungen ausmachen.
die Dokumentation „Porträt von Denitsa Lyubenova“ Film

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
18.04.2024 „Think Freedom: The Catalyst“ Premiere and Film