Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

MEXIKO: Alle Jahre wieder – der Zustand der Strafjustiz in Mexiko

Mexiko hat ein gewaltiges Problem mit Rechtlosigkeit und weitgehender Straflosigkeit auch bei schwersten Verbrechen: Über 90% aller Straftaten werden Umfragen zufolge nicht angezeigt, und von den angezeigten Straftaten bleiben über 90% ungeahndet. Diese Situation muss vor dem Hintergrund einer seit Jahren anhaltenden Gewaltwelle gesehen werden: in den letzten Jahren lag allein die Zahl der Morde pro Jahr über 30.000.
Vergewaltigungsdelikten – um 28% auf über 21.000, und Gewalt in der Familie


Die Menschenrechtsaktivistin, die zur Sprecherin des Obersten Gerichtshofs wurde, erklärt, warum sie glaubt, dass das persönliche Beispiel für Veränderungen ausschlaggebend ist. Die Pressesekretärin des armenischen Verfassungsgerichts, Eva Tovmasyan, ist eine Meisterin der Kommunikation. Sie verfügt über eine umfangreiche Erfahrung im zivilgesellschaftlichen Bereich und fühlt sich in der Politik heimisch.
Ärzte müssten nachts arbeiten und Eva könne keine Familie

Thailand: Srettha Thavisin

Thailands neuer Premierminister Srettha Thavisin und seine Phue Thai Partei werden eine breite, aber umstrittene Regierungskoalition bilden. Der Koalition gehören auch Konservative an, die bei der Parlamentswahl deutlich verloren hatten. Ausgeschlossen ist dagegen die Move Forward Party, welche die Parlamentswahl gewonnen hatte. Sky Chatuchinda von sprach mit Dr. Pimrapaat Dusadeeisariyakul, Programmmanagerin im Thailand-Büro der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit in Bangkok.
Immobilienmagnat, der enge Beziehungen zu Thaksins Familie

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
💕În acest an, accentul a fost pus pe familie, în special

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
💕În acest an, accentul a fost pus pe familie, în special

Covid-19: Handel mit zusätzlichen Risiken

Grenzüberschreitender Handel im südlichen Afrika lebt von Frauen, die im informellen Sektor tätig sind. Die Covid-Pandemie treibt viele dieser Händlerinnen in die Armut und setzt sie zusätzlichen Risiken aus. Die nationalen Regierungen und die Gebergemeinschaft sollten Konsequenzen ziehen und soziale Absicherung auch für Frauen im informellen Sektor zugänglich machen.
viele WICBTs ist sie die Alleinverdienerin ihrer Familie

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
💕În acest an, accentul a fost pus pe familie, în special

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
💕În acest an, accentul a fost pus pe familie, în special

Frauenrechte in Südkorea: Hindernisse für arbeitende Frauen in Südkorea

In südkoreanischen Medien sind Berichte über Geschlechterdiskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz immer wieder zu beobachten. Die Ungleichbehandlung der Geschlechter stellt ein Problem mit wachsender nationaler Relevanz dar. Worin der Ursprung dieser Diskriminierung liegt, der Anforderung, das Familien- und Berufsleben in Einklang zu bringen, wurde in dieser Broschüre zusammengefasst.
verinnerlicht, und sie erkannte sich lediglich als Teil der Familie