Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

Kosovo: „Koalition der Hoffnung“ vor dem Aus?

In Kosovo droht der erst am 3. Februar angetretenen Regierung von Premier Albin Kurti bereits wieder der Fall. Mitten in der Coronakrise hat ausgerechnet die mitregierende LDK einen Misstrauensantrag gegen die eigene Regierungskoalition mit Kurtis linksnationaler „Vetevendosje – Selbstbestimmung“ (LVV) eingereicht.
Einberufung einer Sitzung wäre auch gegenüber den Familien

War in Europe: Use of Technologies in the Russia-Ukraine War

Technological development has led to an improvement in military operations and tactics. The Russian invasion of Ukraine clearly shows how new technologies have changed traditional warfare. The question arises as to what new methods and tools are used in contemporary warfare and how these changes have altered conventional thinking about an invasion campaign.
use to notify relatives and transfer bodies to the families

Philippines: Leni Robredo: A symbol of hope

A “pink wave” mirroring the color of the presidential candidate has swept of the Philippines since the country’s current Vice President and chairman of the Liberal Party Leni Robredo announced her candidacy for president. As the Philippines approaches the presidential election on May 9th, and Robredo’s campaign continue to gain momentum, who is the person behind this movement?
helped to alleviate poverty of around 600,000 Filipino families

Migration: “We are well aware of what it takes to stay.”

Youth in Morocco grow up with an imagination of going to a land elsewhere, seeking greater opportunities, social security, and a sense of freedom. According to the Arab Barometer report, nearly 70% of Moroccans under 30 express a desire to leave the country. However, despite facing numerous challenges, a determined network of Moroccan youth decides to stay and make a change.
Even kids that are born in very nice families and can

Southeast and East Asia | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. In Southeast and East Asia, we have offices in Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila, Seoul, Taipei, and Yangon. We also work in Malaysia. The FNF regional team works with the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats, the Working group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism, the Asia Centre, and the ASEAN Prosperity Initiative, which is part of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

Jahrestag: 75 Jahre Bundestag: Ein Symbol für Frieden in Europa

Am 7. September 1949 trat der erste Deutsche Bundestag in Bonn zum ersten Mal zusammen – in einem geteilten Land. 75 Jahre später werfen wir einen Blick auf dieses historische Ereignis aus der Perspektive zweier wichtiger Nachbarländer – Frankreich und Polen.
sozialistische Regime, eine Grenze zu errichten, die Familien

Female Forward Int.: Understanding the Barriers and Benefits to Female Representation in Politics

Across the EU, around 33% of members of national parliaments are female, which might not seem so bad, but considering that women make up 54,6% of the EU’s population, this goes to show that they are heavily underrepresented in the democratic processes.
other responsibilities like taking care of their families

Ungarn : Orbáns Sieg weckt Besorgnis um den Zustand des Rechtsstaats

Anhänger der ungarischen Vereinigten Opposition versammelten sich am Sonntag in Budapest, um die Ergebnisse der Parlamentswahlen abzuwarten. Doch statt Jubel und Begeisterung war die Szene gekennzeichnet von Menschen, die ungläubig schauten. Die Fidesz-Partei behielt ihre Zweidrittelmehrheit und wurde zum vierten Mal in Folge gewählt. Wie konnte es dazu kommen und wie wird es weitergehen?
Politisch hob die Regierung hervor, wie viele Leistungen Familien