Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

Sri Lanka investiert in seine Zukunft

Sri Lankas Regierungen sind seit Jahrzehnten Verfechter kostenfreier Bildung. Ein Modell, das geboren wurde bevor Ceylon – wie Sri Lanka damals hieß – seine Unabhängigkeit von der britischen Kolonialherrschaft im Februar 1948 erlangte. Siebzig Jahre später lohnt es sich, eine Zwischenbilanz zu ziehen.
Das hieße, Familien wären nicht länger auf teure ausländische

FNF Alumni : Navigating the Entrepreneurial Seas: The ABCs of Entrepreneurship Event in Hanoi

Embark on a transformative journey through the entrepreneurial seas with the ABCs of Entrepreneurship Event in Hanoi. This gathering, spearheaded by FNF alumni Samantha Kapunan and Tharin Sethi, brought together visionaries, distinguished guests, and aspiring entrepreneurs. Our theme for the fourth episode of FNF ABCs of Entrepreneurship is showcasing Vietnam’s inspiring founders and investors.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

El Salvador: Vom Hoffnungsträger zum Autokraten?

Der junge Präsident Nayib Bukele ist für viele Salvadorianer ein Hoffnungsträger. Nach seinem ersten Jahr im Amt hatte er bedeutende Erfolge vorzuweisen. Mit seiner Vorliebe für das Militär und die Missachtung der Justiz zeigt er jedoch zunehmend autoritäre Züge. Wird Bukele die anstehende Wahl in El Salvador nutzen, um seine Macht langfristig zu sichern?
insbesondere die 1,5 Millionen armen und ärmsten Familien

Female Forward Int.: Empowerment Comes from Education: Tomorrow’s Prime Minister

Prime Minister is a school of politics in Italy for young women aged between 14 and 18 years who want to undertake a training course in Politics – understood as the ability to interpret and guide society – and civic activation. Eva Vittoria Cammerino is one of the founders of Prime Minister and also Chief secretary of an MP and political activist. Here she describes the main activities of Prime Minister and why such an organization is important to exist in Italy.
are relegated to subalternate roles within their families

SMART CITIES: What can we learn from Berlin as a start-up city?

Many cities in Mexico have the conditions to become start-up cities. Through public policies, the country can foster frameworks to facilitate the opening of businesses. What makes Berlin a start-up city that other cities in Mexico could replicate? Constant transformation, formation of sustainable alliances and adaptability to change, three characteristics intrinsic to every entrepreneur.
departments, environmental preservation localities and families

Krieg: Das Leben der Frauen in einem Land unter Beschuss

Seit dem bewaffneten Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine ist ein Jahr vergangen. Die darauf folgenden Auseinandersetzungen haben schwerste Formen von Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Verstößen gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht in den Alltag der Menschen in der Ukraine gebracht, zahllose Menschenleben gefährdet und massive Vertreibungen und Zerstörungen der zivilen Infrastruktur verursacht. Hunderte von Frauen und Mädchen in der Ukraine sind Opfer von sexuellen Übergriffen und Folter durch die russische Armee geworden, und Berichte belegen den zunehmenden Einsatz von Vergewaltigungen als Kriegswaffe.
bringen weiterhin Kinder zur Welt, kümmern sich um ihre Familien

EU asylum policy: EU-Asylpolitik

Hardly any observers had evaluated this agreement possible after years of tug-of-war over asylum reform: At the beginning of June, the interior ministers of the EU member states, including Nancy Faeser (SPD), voted in favor of a significant tightening of European asylum policy. The traffic light parties also justified their approval on the grounds that an agreement would have failed if Germany had abstained. Overall, it could be observed in the debates that a broad majority in Europe was in favor of more control in immigration.
For example, exceptions for families with underage

Democracy: Democracy and AI – How technological progress can strengthen our democracy

The discourse surrounding AI is often dominated by extreme positions: either threat scenarios are exaggerated or the benefits are overemphasized. It is time to look for a new narrative that is neither uncritically positive nor overly pessimistic. In the report ‘Democracy and AI – how technological progress can strengthen democracy’, 30 global examples of the successful use of AI to strengthen democracy are analyzed and serve as a basis for assessing the potential.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

Southeast and East Asia : Thailand plans to recognize Same-Sex Unions

While parts of Southeast Asia have vibrant LGBTQ communities, offering sanctuary to many, the absence of legal recognition for same-sex couples is a disparity. In 2024, hopes are high for a breakthrough as Thailand contemplates the passage of a same-sex marriage bill.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

COP28: The complicated decarbonisation of the Mediterranean

The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28 (Conference of the Parties) held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) at the end of 2023, closed with an agreement described as historic for fulfilling the mandate of the Paris Agreement. The text, for the first time, opened the door to the end of fossil fuels and set the path for decarbonisation of the world’s economies. A challenge with a deadline: 2050. And with much to be done in the Mediterranean, where coal, oil and natural gas are still the main sustenance and fuel of the countries in the north and south of this region.
Meanwhile, many families have had to abandon their