Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

Reshape Europe: „The Challenges of Liberal Democracy Today“ | Academic Conference

On Monday and Tuesday, December 4th and 5th, the scientific conference „The Challenges of Liberal Democracy Today“ took place at the National Foundation for Research. The Center for Liberal Studies, the Center for Political Research at Panteion University, and the Laboratory of Political and Institutional Theory and History of Ideas, belonging to the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, organized the conference with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Greece and Cyprus. The conference focused on ways in which Europe can become more resilient against threats to freedom and defend liberal democracy.
strive for better lives for themselves and their families

Human Rights: Prisoners of Conscience: DOXA, Russia

In January 2021 DOXA, a Russian student magazine, ran a video report before a national protest. Little did they know that three months later, that video would be used to launch an investigation against four of its staff members for inciting minors to protest. Learn more about the prisoners of conscience from Russia.
communicating with anyone other than their immediate families

Elections in Venezuela: Enough of Maduro’s Authoritarian Playbook in Venezuela

On July 28, Venezuela’s unified opposition achieved a significant victory despite considerable challenges: Edmundo Gonzalez won the election with 67% of the vote. However, authoritarian ruler Nicolás Maduro refused to recognize his defeat and exacerbated repression. In the face of mounting death tolls and mass arrests, the international community is once again called upon to heed the demands for an end to the dictatorship. The Venezuelan people are crying out for freedom.
Venezuelans are prepared to leave their homes and families

Reshaping Europe: Global Europe – Global Expectations

Today, we are experiencing that the European Union and its model of democratic societies are losing their worldwide popularity. The growing global influence of actors with values, political systems, and worldviews that are diametrically opposing to those of the EU, as well as the renaissance of geopolitical blocs (as evidenced by the abstention of some states in the UN in condemning Russia’s war of aggression), further reinforce this trend.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

Jahrestag: Die Schande des Systems

Vor 70 Jahren wurde ein Aufstand der Arbeiter gegen das DDR-Regime blutig niedergeschlagen. Unmittelbarer Anlass war die Erhöhung der Arbeitsnormen, tiefere Ursache die Entbehrungen der Planwirtschaft. Während in Westdeutschland das „Wirtschaftswunder“ seinen Lauf nahm, herrschte im Osten Knappheit, Mangel und zum Teil Elend. Für eine ganze Generation westdeutscher Jugendlicher lieferte der 17. Juni lange Zeit den einzigen Merkposten im Kalender, der an die deutsche Teilung erinnerte.
sozialistische Regime, eine Grenze zu errichten, die Familien

Political Dialogue: ASEAN-EU Conference

The year of 2022 marks 45 years of partnership between the ASEAN and the EU. Much progress has been made; such as the elevation to a strategic partnership in 2020, and the EU’s recognition of ASEAN´s significance in the EU strategy for the Indo-Pacific. Now, in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic and political tensions in both Europe and Asia, there is an urgency to strengthen the partnership between the two entities even further
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

Krieg in Europa: Eine schwere Prüfung für die Republik Moldau

Kein Nachbarland erlebt den Krieg in der Ukraine so hautnah wie die Republik Moldau. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die massiven Flüchtlingsströme oder die 1.222 Kilometer lange gemeinsame Grenze mit der Ukraine. Sondern auch darum, dass die Bombenangriffe auf Odessa, nur zwei Autostunden entfernt, bis in die moldauische Hauptstadt Chisinau zu hören sind.
werden zu tausenden von aufnahmebereiten moldauischen Familien

Female Forward Int.: Women’s Involvement in Dutch Politics: An Uphill Climb

Female representation in politics in the Netherlands is slowly improving. The results of the local elections in March 2022 show an increase of the number of women in local city councils from 31 to 36 percent. But when looking at executive positions, this figures suddenly drop.
on more caring responsibilities at home for their families

International Academy for Leadership: Encouraging Innovative Spaces, Ensuring Inclusion and Progress

As a parent sending their child off to school, distance and mode of travel from home become some of the important things to deliberate. This is especially relevant in densely populated and large countries such as Indonesia, South Africa, and India where heavy traffic occupy many cities and safety is thus a highlight.
may not have been enough to reach out to low-income families