Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love – December

An explosion at the office of Poland’s police chief, the visit of President Zelenskyy and the audition of the popular hip hop band Black Eyed Peas in Poland´s small town Zakopane with rainbow armbands sending message to the ruling PiS party are the highlights of December 2022 in Poland. LGBTQI+ community is still a big topic in Poland. Read more in our newsletter!
reality-jacek-malczewski/ European Affairs Against Rainbow Families

Zimbabwe: Cyber bullies push women to the fringes of political power

Many of Zimbabwe’s women have seen their ambitions to ascend to political power obliterated by brutal cyberbullying, which has forced them to quit, leading analysts said this week. So rampant is the cyberbullying scourge, which now permeates through all layers of politics from local to central government. The analysts, who spoke as Zimbabwe raved up campaigns for general elections expected next month, were worried that even existing laws fell short of defending female politicians from cyberbullies.
political office were preferring to protect their families

YLP 2023: Pioneering Tomorrow: FNF’s Young Leaders Programme 2023

Highlights of FNF’s Young Leaders Programme 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand! Experience the transformation as participants explored their core values, honed personal branding, and acquired essential skills. Empowerment for a better future was the theme, and the young leaders are now shaping the world with their impact. Relive the inspiring journey!
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

Southeast Asia: Advancing ASEAN´s Regional Integration

Discover the latest „ASEAN Integration Report 2023“ exploring the youth-centric priorities outlined in the AEC Blueprint 2025. Unveiling insights on Labour Mobility, TVET, MSMEs, and the Digital Economy, this report, a collaborative effort by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and IDEAS, paints a vivid picture of ASEAN’s progress and challenges.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

FNF Alumni : Young Leader’s Programme on Personal Finance

The Young Leader’s Programme on Personal Finance aimed to provide students with a basic knowledge on personal finance and to bring young leader’s from across Southeast and East Asia tow work together to produce a presentation on „how to invest your money in the ASEAN Market“
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

Pakistan Elections 2024: Ensuring Inclusive Elections in Flood-Stricken Areas

Various studies indicate that disasters affect electoral participation differently even in developed countries. Check out the analysis by IAF Alumni Syed Raza Ali Shah as he outlines the potential for low voter turnout in Sindh and Balochistan flood affected areas and how it can be mitigated.
There is a possibility that such low-income migrant families

Myanmar: Erstmals seit Jahrzehnten: Militärjunta richtet vier Dissidenten hin

Zum ersten Mal seit mehr als 30 Jahren hat Myanmars Militär vier Junta-Gegner hingerichtet. Unter den Getöteten befindet sich ein Parteifreund von Aung San Suu Kyi. Sie wurden für schuldig befunden, bei der Durchführung „unmenschlicher Terrorakte“ geholfen zu haben. Die Vollstreckung der Todesstrafe soll die Bevölkerung einschüchtern. Doch sie zeigt auch die Schwäche der Armee.
Die Familien waren laut Medienberichten nicht über

Jahrestag: Die Schande des Systems

Vor 70 Jahren wurde ein Aufstand der Arbeiter gegen das DDR-Regime blutig niedergeschlagen. Unmittelbarer Anlass war die Erhöhung der Arbeitsnormen, tiefere Ursache die Entbehrungen der Planwirtschaft. Während in Westdeutschland das „Wirtschaftswunder“ seinen Lauf nahm, herrschte im Osten Knappheit, Mangel und zum Teil Elend. Für eine ganze Generation westdeutscher Jugendlicher lieferte der 17. Juni lange Zeit den einzigen Merkposten im Kalender, der an die deutsche Teilung erinnerte.
sozialistische Regime, eine Grenze zu errichten, die Familien