Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

Publication: Charting the Path Forward: Post-Pandemic Reintegration for Overseas Filipino Workers

The Philippines stands at a critical juncture where migrant reintegration must evolve. Better inter-governmental coordination and broader multi-sectoral collaboration is crucial. Framing reintegration as a form of social protection can catalyze comprehensive cooperation. This paper underscores the need for a holistic multi-agency effort to drive migrant reintegration forward.
For OFWs and their families, it offers hope for a more

Serbia: Oscar-winning short film “Istina” screened in Belgrade

The short film “Istina” (Truth), the production of which was financially supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, was screened for the first time in Serbia. The fictional movie is about a photojournalist from Belgrade who is threatened by right-wing extremist thugs and flees to Germany with her daughter. “Istina” won a bronze medal at the 50th Student Academy Awards/Student Oscars® on 26th October.
also those in our immediate circle, including our families

CALD: CALD and LI conduct joint election mission; celebrate DPP victory

The Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) and Liberal International (LI) conducted a joint election mission in Taiwan, celebrating the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) historic third consecutive term win in the presidential elections.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

FNF Alumni : Next Normal Innovators

Entrepreneurship is a driving force in economic freedom. Startup entrepreneurship in particular has shaped and continues to shape our lives and our future through continuous innovation. We want to bring together innovators, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors leading the changes through this “Next Normal” environment.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

RE:START21: Aufschwung durch Freiheit

Globale Krisen lassen sich nur global lösen. Nur freiheitliche Gesellschaften besitzen jene Innovationskräfte, die nötig sind, um die anstehenden Herausforderungen durch Digitalisierung und Globalisierung und den Abbau sozialer Spannungen sowie ökologische Handlungsnotwendigkeiten zu bewältigen. Wie wir die Wirtschaft befreien und so die Krise überwinden können, lesen Sie hier.
Viele Familien stehen unter enormen wirtschaftlichen