Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

Thailand Talks 2023: Thailand Talks 2023

เพราะโลกนี้เต็มไปด้วยความหลากหลายและความแตกต่างเป็นสิ่งสวยงาม ความต่างทำให้เราเติมโต มาสร้างความเข้าใจด้วยพลังความต่าง เพิ่มความเข้าใจแล้วไปต่อกับ Thailand Talks 2023
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

Innovation for Democracy: Join our Democracy Board Game Festival!

FNF Global Innovation Hub will hold our first ever Democracy Board Game Festival between August 15 and September 2, 2022. It will take place online, via the platform “Gather” – so everyone can join, regardless of time zone, location or corona restrictions! Explore our exhibition space, and learn more about the five games we are featuring: Each game was developed by a different organization, and each organization will give the audience a game tour at the upcoming.
can we curb discrimination against non-traditional families

Publication : Business and Human Rights in Southeast and East Asia #2: A Guidekit to Operationalise Human Rights Due Diligence on Forced Labour.

We are excited to announce the release of our latest publication: Business and Human Rights in Southeast and East Asia #2: A Guidekit to Operationalise Human Rights Due Diligence on Forced Labour with AmerBon. This comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for understanding and implementing effective human rights due diligence practices.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

AmberBon: Edmund Bon Tai Soon Reappointed to AICHR: Championing Human Rights and Business Compliance in Southeast Asia

We are delighted to extend our congratulations to Mr. Edmund Bon Tai Soon, Head of Chamber (Civil) of AmberBon, Advocates, on his appointment by the Government of Malaysia as the representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) for the 2024-2026 term.
including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families

Lebanon: Explosion in Beirut: Whatever the cause, it went straight to the heart

We all learned yesterday afternoon of the huge explosion at the port of Beirut in Lebanon which killed and injured many people. The shockwaves of this massive blast were felt across the Lebanese capital, shattering glass in people’s homes and causing apartment balconies to collapse – even far away from the explosion site.
very relieved to report, all the FNF staff and their families | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The portal is a platform for experts and intellectuals from Central and Eastern Europe, embodying the liberal environment, to share their opinions and ideas. Representatives of 17 think tanks from various countries including Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, and Germany regularly publish comments, analyses, and polemics encompassing political, economic, social and cultural life, as well as subjects of heated debate in the media, shown from a Central European perspective. The main aim of the portal is to make this point of view easily accessible to wider international audiences through publications exclusively in English. The portal is coordinated and managed by the team of the liberal portal and supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Experts, intellectuals, and researchers from the Western world, interested in Central European issues, might find it quite difficult to reach information and comments coming from representatives of the countries in question. The portal thus aims to fill this gap by providing high quality commentaries and analyses written by Central European professionals, featured on one easily accessible webpage. By means of cooperation of authors from numerous countries the portal intends to serve as the comprehensive and most objective source of information on regional issues in the liberal context. It is to become a place for a liberal debate and exchange of ideas. Here you can find a selection of weekly articles and commentaries published on the platform. For more content visit
01.06.2023 Debate on „How Do CEE States Deal with Families

Innovation for Democracy: Nehmen Sie an unserem Demokratie Brettspiel Festival teil!

Der FNF Global Innovation Hub veranstalte in der Zeit vom 15. August bis zum 2. September 2022 unser erstes Demokratie Brettspiel Fest. Es fand online via der Plattform „Gather“ statt, das heißt, jeder konnte teilnehmen – unabhängig von der Zeitzone, des Standortes, und der Coronabeschränkungen.
man die Diskriminierung gegen nicht-traditionelle Familien