Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

LGBTQI: Entkriminalisierung von Homosexualität in Indien

Nach einem langen Rechtsstreit wurde heute vor fünf Jahren Homosexualität in Indien entkriminalisiert. Das Leben vieler LGBTQ-Personen hat seitdem stark an Qualität zugenommen: Sie können offener leben und müssen keine Repressalien mehr fürchten. Dennoch ist gerade in ländlichen Regionen Stigmatisierung noch ein Thema. Manjari Mishra hat mit Rohan Joshi, Senior Fellow beim Centre for Civil Society, darüber gesprochen, was sich in den letzten fünf Jahren verändert hat.
sehr schwer, selbst beim Coming Out zu ihren eigenen Familien

Croatia: Showdown in Zagreb

On March 15, President Zoran Milanović shocked the Croatian public twice: firstly, when he postponed the parliamentary elections to April 17, a Wednesday. Just hours later, the president lashed out against the corruption practices of the permanently ruling HDZ and announced – still as a president – his candidacy as prime minister in a „government of national salvation“.
women to empower themselves 31.08.2022 Rainbow Families

Women Empowerment: Challenging Social Norms that Violate the Rights of Women in Maasai Communities

The Maasai community is known globally for its vibrant traditions, culture, and dress code. Behind the beauty of the culture and smiles, women are living in the darkness of poverty and suppressive cultural practices. A Maasai girl is considered a source of wealth for the family, thus “property of her father”, that she can be married off at tender age to an elderly man and in case the husband passes on, she will be “inherited” by her in-laws especially the husbands’ brother or eldest son.
Women are the guardians of their families, irrespective

Human rights: A student is judged by…

We open a new series of articles on human rights and liberalism with a publication on mi Bello Arbol, an exciting Venezuelan project of Un Estado de Derecho, an institution that brings together professionals, professors and university students who share the commitment and values inherent to individual freedom to promote quality education to low-income populations.
associated with more public powers or prerogatives meaning families