Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Familie

Menschenrechte: Sag mir, wer dich erzieht…

Wir eröffnen eine neue Artikelserie über Menschenrechte und Liberalismus mit der Veröffentlichung von Mi Bello Arbol, einem spannenden venezolanischen Projekt von Un Estado de Derecho (UeD). UeD ist eine Einrichtung, die Fachleute, Professoren und Studenten zusammenbringt, die das Engagement und die der individuellen Freiheit innewohnenden Werte teilen, um eine qualitativ hochwertige Bildung für einkommensschwache Bevölkerungsschichten zu fördern.
Vorrechten und einer wesentlich geringeren Rolle der Familien

Greece: LGBTQ+ in Greece

Greece passed legislation recognizing same-sex unions and extending parental rights to LGBTQ+ people, marking a historic moment for LGBTQ+ rights in the country, as well as in Southeastern Europe. This progress represents a crucial step toward inclusivity and equality in a country where conservative values and orthodox Christianity have traditionally influenced public policy and social norms.
children, recognizing the importance of providing all families

Social Mobility: Trapped in the Social Loop: The Challenges of Social Mobility in Moroc

The lottery of birth in Morocco seems to hold significant sway over an individual’s life path. This article offers an examination of how societal cycles can be disrupted, highlighting the critical role of education in altering these predetermined trajectories.
truth that individuals hailing from disadvantaged families

Women In Politics: Women Elbowed Out Of The Game

THE push for equal participation of men and women in politics has been building up, with benefits already filtering through in countries where this shift has been embraced. Observance of human rights and democratic governance principles are other issues that have taken centre stage in the past few decades. However, research has revealed that despite governments’ efforts to push through equal representation, women’s participation in politics remains low. Yet in most countries, they make up the bigger part of population.
women feel that participating exposes them and their families