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#HackingDemocracy: #HackingDemocracy – Lessons from around the world on fostering Democracy

Our board member at the time, Ms Bettina Stark-watzinger who is now the German Federal Minister for Education and Research, inaugurated the conference with a greeting message. The conference was divided into four sessions: deliberative democracy, pandemic learnings, don’t fear the techie, and disinformation.
technology is not simply telling people its good or bad

Olympische Spiele : Olympische Spiele

Die Olympischen Spiele in Paris zeigten einmal mehr, wie stark Politik und Sport miteinander verflochten sind. Historische Boykotte während des Kalten Krieges und Proteste gegen Gastgeberländer wie Russland und China belegen dies eindrucksvoll. Trotz des Bestrebens des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees (IOC), politisch neutral zu bleiben, werfen aktuelle geopolitische Spannungen und Menschenrechtsfragen immer wieder einen Schatten auf die Spiele.
Hidalgo vor neun Tagen nach monatelanger Vorfreude ein Bad

Poland: Election Campaign in Poland: The Desired Turning Point at Reach

This Sunday, the parliamentary election will take place in Poland. The topics of the election campaign range from women’s rights to inflation and security. The ruling PiS party’s anti-campaign targets Donald Tusk and tries to portray him as a vassal of Germany and Brussels. A referendum parallel to the elections is intended to strengthen the PiS’s influence. Poland is facing a crucial election that will influence its political fate and its role in the EU.
The demise of Konfederacja would be bad news for the

Gender equality: Bridging the Trench

The inclusion and advancement of women leads to more prosperous societies and more sustainable peace. Despite these empirical findings, women are grossly underrepresented in politics. Nevertheless, the debate on gender-responsive foreign policy has gained international prominence in recent years, bringing the discussion on the protection and advancement of women in security contexts to the centre of many national discourses. Where are we now in 2022 and what role can liberals play in the future development of this concept?
national parliaments are female, which might not seem so bad

UNBREAKABLE / NEZLAMNI: First Lieutenant Yulia Mykytenko: “Men no longer refuse to serve under my command because I am a woman”

Yulia Mykytenko joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a contract in 2016 together with her husband. After doing the “work for women” at the headquarters, she entered The Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy, returning to the front as a combat officer. After the death of her husband in February 2018, Yulia went to work at the Kyiv Military Lyceum. In the special project „The Unbreakable“, Mykytenko talks about how the Ukrainian army changed and how important it is to be in your own place.
Work helps a lot in suppressing bad thoughts.

Centroamérica: The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of migrants and asylum seekers

Migration or a mixed movement involving people migrating to seek better economic opportunities that improve their quality of life and that of their families left behind is prompted by the migrants’ need to escape armed conflicts, violence, and persecution threatening their lives, and to reunify with parents and family members living abroad.
detaining kids away from parents or primary caregivers is bad