Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

Event: Renewable Pathways: A Malaysian’s Illuminating Journey from Washington to Portland

My journey commenced in Washington, D.C., the epicenter of American politics and policymaking. Although we had the privilege of visiting majestic and historical monuments, our sights were set on meeting distinguished individuals from the US House of Representatives and Senate, who played pivotal roles in shaping the nation’s renewable energy landscape.
Renewable energy adoption in Malaysia is not at a bad

Dakar (Western Africa) | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Foundation for Freedom has had a presence in Dakar, Senegal since 1980. From here it manages most of the West- African Subregion. Senegal has experienced several peaceful transitions of power since achieving independence in 1960. It is considered the most stable country in West Africa. The Foundation focuses its work in Senegal and  in the region on the rule of law, the market economy and respect for human rights. It supports liberal political partners and selected future political leaders. It actively identifies and promotes organisations and individuals willing to take responsibility and contribute to development.
As the first of the coup-belt countries Mali has a bad

Hacking Democracy: Hacking Democracy Conference: Examples of Collaboration between Civic Tech Communities and Governments Around the World

Have you thought about how the people and governments can to co-create or optimize digital services together? Register for 2023 Hacking Democracy Conference to explore successful cases around the world! The Conference will be on Oct 27, 2023, GMT 8:00-11:00am (GMT+8 16:00-19:00), online via webex.
a creative collective appropriately known as the Bad

Pakistan Elections 2024: Democracy hasn’t become a dinosaur (Thankfully!)

During the ‘super election year’ in the world, many countries around the world will be holding elections in 2024. Pakistan-the fifth populous country in the world-held general elections on February 8, 2024. The very happening of the 2024 elections in Pakistan was a significant step as the country’s election cycle was badly broken in January 2023. Therefore, the good news is that democracy hasn’t become a dinosaur in Pakistan. Read the analysis by Zafarullah Khan.
political elite (for their alleged corruption and bad

Wahlen in Südafrika: ANC verliert nach 30 Jahren die Mehrheit

30 Jahre nach den ersten freien Wahlen in Südafrika verliert der African National Congress (ANC) erstmals die Mehrheit. Die siebten allgemeinen Wahlen markieren einen Wendepunkt in der politischen Landschaft des Landes. Doch was bedeutet das für die Zukunft Südafrikas? Ein Blick auf die Ergebnisse, mögliche Koalitionen und die Herausforderungen, denen sich die neue Regierung gegenübersieht.
Wahlkampfpräsenz und dem Ruf ihres Gründers als „Bad

women to women : The Challenges: the mother of a gender-diverse tattoo artist

As the mother of a gender-diverse tattoo artist, what challenges have you faced? In today’s open and accepting era, the art of tattooing on the body is increasingly embraced by many. However, there are still people with differing views on the art of tattooing, even in modern society.
time, I didn’t even know if tattoos were good or bad

Freedom through Arts: Dream Big and #BEFREE

The Festival of Arts, initiated 4 years ago by the FNF, united this year nine performances from Moldova, Romania, Austria and Germany. On the Theatre Satiricus‘ stage in Chisinau, during one week, the artists expressed „The Power of Freedom“ through theater, music, dance, movie. Our new partners are the Goethe-Institute, the Romanian Cultural Institute; National Cultural Institutes of the EU, Swiss Cooperation Office; Austrian Embassy; UNHCR-Moldova.
release that his or her life is not even nearly that bad

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love – September

Poland’s pivotal elections are going to be held on October 15. The campaign has been intense, focusing on migration, security, inflation, and women’s rights. The recent ‚One Million Hearts March‘ was a massive, optimistic event. Poland-Germany tensions rise as PiS accuses Berlin of interference. The economy faces challenges with a surprising interest rate cut. Discover the recent cultural controversies around the new movie ‚Green Border‘.
Luckily, they are bad only on the governmental level