Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

IAF Germany | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Untuk mendukung pekerjaan yayasan di seluruh dunia, FNF meluncurkan International Academy for Leaders (IAF) hampir tiga dekade lalu. IAF adalah sebuah forum dan wadah dialog, serta pelatihan politik internasional. Seminar IAF mempertemukan para ahli dari berbagai bidang studi, pemimpin opini, anak muda kelompok liberal, dan calon pemimpin untuk membahas isu-isu internasional dalam politik, bisnis, dan sains. Dalam acara multikultural ini, IAF mempromosikan toleransi antar budaya, agama dan sistem politik dan bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi pada pencegahan konflik dan perdamaian dunia. IAF dilaksanakan selama dua minggu di Theodor Heuss Academy, Gummersbach, Jerman.
What was held in a small budget hotel ballroom with bad

Publication: Emerging Urban Mobility

Today, already 55 percent of the world’s population lives in cities. By the year 2050, this proportion is projected to increase to more than two-thirds. While the process of urbanization seems to be completed in industrialized nations, it continues to accelerate in many emerging and developing countries, posing significant challenges for their cities—particularly in the realm of urban mobility. Our study from Fraunhofer IAO showcases the methods these countries are employing to tackle their urban mobility issues and provides insights into practices that industrialized nations can possibly learn from.
Bad air pollution, traffic jams, and many traffic accidents

Black Book of Public Money Waste: BLACK BOOK of public money waste in Republic of Moldova

„The Black Book of Public Money Waste“ is an annual publication that provides truthful information about how public money is used in the Republic of Moldova. The first edition was published in Chisinau in 2019, following the example of the Bulgarian investigative journalists. The Black Book is now one of the best known regional projects investigating the embezzlement of European funds.
abusively used through public spending on useless or bad

Foreign Policy: Toward a truly inclusive foreign and security policy for Europe

Gender equality is an important tool for better foreign and security policy. Not only is there a need for more representation of women, but female perspectives also help to make policies more sustainable, effective and fair. These are some of the outcomes of a discussion of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation on gender-just foreign and security policies, which took place on 14 November in Brussels.
Through analysing best (and bad) practices, we can

Foreign Policy: Toward a truly inclusive foreign and security policy for Europe

Gender equality is an important tool for better foreign and security policy. Not only is there a need for more representation of women, but female perspectives also help to make policies more sustainable, effective and fair. These are some of the outcomes of a discussion of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation on gender-just foreign and security policies, which took place on 14 November in Brussels.
Through analysing best (and bad) practices, we can

Abortion: Abortion in Senegal: The dilemma of single women

„A friend told me about a clinic that performs medical abortions clandestinely but in good conditions. However, they gave me an estimate that exceeds my annual salary and Matar does not want to contribute. He threatens to denounce me if I kill his child. Nevertheless, he does not want to marry me to hide my condition before the pregnancy is visible. I don’t have much choice“, says the desperate woman.
This pregnancy has come at a very bad time.