Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love – October

Our October newsletter is full of very diverse and interesting news from Poland. The Poles continue to fight to get their money from the European recovery fund, but problems with the rule of law persist, and last month a number of unpleasant reports came to light. In the energy sector, Poland has once again taken a major, even historic step, when it finally decided to build its first nuclear power plant. And a new Polish ambassador is finally sitting in Berlin.
because of the scarce chance of the flood being as bad

Poland: From Poland with Love – July

Poland is currently dominated by the issue of security, as Wagner Group exercises have been taking place on the Polish-Belarusian border since the end of July and migrants are once again accumulating there. Tensions are also growing in the education sector, with the Minister for Education interfering in the evaluation of science and, among other things, stopping subsidising German language lessons, which has affected thousands of children of the German minority in Poland.
Saakashvili’s health is in a very bad condition, as

DISINFORMATION: The attacks and demonising narratives against the opposition and the media continue after the European elections

Disinformers in Slovakia have interpreted the results of the EP elections as a desired decline of progressivism and a change of circumstances in favour of patriotic political forces. Attacks on the Slovak mainstream media and the opposition also continued to trend. At the same time, the disinformation ecosystem is returning to tried and tested narratives about the war in Ukraine. These are often in direct line with Russian propaganda.
rhetoric, they have divided society into two camps – the bad

Unbreakable / Nezlamni: “War is another case I need to win,” Inga Kordynovska on the humanitarian centre in Odesa

Inga Kordynovska is the owner of a law firm, who despite the threat of occupation of Odesa at the beginning of the war stayed in the city and established the Humanitarian Volunteer Centre in Odesa and then two more projects to help internally displaced people, mothers in particular. In the “Unbreakable” project, Inga shares how legal practice helped her during the war and why humanitarian aid is not her main goal in helping those affected by the war.
country and when I’m being told that everything is bad

60. Todestag : Marie Baum

Marie Baum, eine herausragende Figur der Sozialpolitik und der bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung, prägte die Weimarer Republik und setzte sich unermüdlich für das Fürsorgewesen ein. Trotz der Hürden, die ihr als Frau und aufgrund ihrer jüdischen Abstammung auferlegt wurden, hinterließ sie ein bedeutendes Vermächtnis in der Sozialarbeit und der Frauenbildung.
sich ganz auf die Verbesserung des Fürsorgewesens in Baden