Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

Human rights: A student is judged by…

We open a new series of articles on human rights and liberalism with a publication on mi Bello Arbol, an exciting Venezuelan project of Un Estado de Derecho, an institution that brings together professionals, professors and university students who share the commitment and values inherent to individual freedom to promote quality education to low-income populations.
While the traditional development experts see in a bad

#FreedomFightsFake: Bill Gates, the Villain

The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired a few prominent conspiracy theories. One of the most popular ones draws a connection between the building of 5G infrastructure and the spread of the virus. One of the main targets of a disinformation campaign is none other than the billionaire Bill Gates, accused of developing an evil plot for world domination. Regardless of the fact that Microsoft’s founder donates billions of dollars for hunger and poverty relief, as well as for improving access to healthcare and education in developing countries, he became the go-to villain of conspiracy theorists from all over the globe. According to them, Gates has intentionally caused the COVID-19 pandemic, driven by greed to enrich himself by selling vaccines and medication. 
is that it alleges that Gates plays “the good cop/bad

Alumni Voices: Pakistan’s Budget 2024-25: Promises to Policies

With ambitious tax targets and a plot twist involving the International Monetary Fund (IMF), this year’s budget presentation was nothing short of a high-stakes drama. But behind the curtain, the reality is a mix of economic strategies and fiscal maneuvers that aim to steer the country through turbulent economic waters. Against the backdrop the government presented the annual budget 2024-2025 on 12 June. Read the critique by Dr Aneel Salman
Show Content What’s Bad?

women to women : A woman’s perspective from the field of technology

„In the field of technology, numerous women are making significant contributions. This month’s women to women program will feature an interview with Ms. Khin Sandar, a senior mobile developer and a Mobile App Mentor at MSDT Training Center. She will share her experiences and challenges she has faced in the tech industry, offering advice and insights for women who aspire to enter this field.
also offer opportunities to encounter both good and bad

The MENA Dilemma: Eleven meters

I don’t know what it means to hide behind the veil of memories, and I can’t pin down exactly when I picked up this habit. Surely it hasn’t been more than a decade since I began feeling the need to cling to images of the past–though they are pale like our streets and our facades, which we mistakenly believe are capable of improving our image.
The family’s financial situation was quite bad, and

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love. August

The latest edition of From Poland with Love dives deep into the financial troubles facing the PiS party after the National Electoral Commission rejected their election report, causing them to lose millions in funding. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Donald Tusk intensifies his accusations against PiS for misusing public funds, promising to recover significant sums. Amid these political tensions, Poland’s defense spending reaches historic highs.
Society Bad Games Poland has finished the Olympics

DISINFORMATION: The attacks and demonising narratives against the opposition and the media continue after the European elections

Disinformers in Slovakia have interpreted the results of the EP elections as a desired decline of progressivism and a change of circumstances in favour of patriotic political forces. Attacks on the Slovak mainstream media and the opposition also continued to trend. At the same time, the disinformation ecosystem is returning to tried and tested narratives about the war in Ukraine. These are often in direct line with Russian propaganda.
rhetoric, they have divided society into two camps – the bad

Unbreakable / Nezlamni: “War is another case I need to win,” Inga Kordynovska on the humanitarian centre in Odesa

Inga Kordynovska is the owner of a law firm, who despite the threat of occupation of Odesa at the beginning of the war stayed in the city and established the Humanitarian Volunteer Centre in Odesa and then two more projects to help internally displaced people, mothers in particular. In the “Unbreakable” project, Inga shares how legal practice helped her during the war and why humanitarian aid is not her main goal in helping those affected by the war.
country and when I’m being told that everything is bad