Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: beetles

Hundreds of Andean bird species at risk due to deforestation: New research shows how to protect them – Research News

Birds native to the tropical Andes, many of which cannot be found anywhere else, are threatened by increasing agricultural development in the region. A new study details how the resulting habitat loss affects specific species and lays out possible ways to protect birds from human-driven disturbance.
Robinson You Might Also Like Life on Earth Tiger beetles

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Hundreds of Andean bird species at risk due to deforestation: New research shows how to protect them – Research News

Birds native to the tropical Andes, many of which cannot be found anywhere else, are threatened by increasing agricultural development in the region. A new study details how the resulting habitat loss affects specific species and lays out possible ways to protect birds from human-driven disturbance.
from Africa, South Pacific Life on Earth Tiger beetles

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Anatomy of a burmese python – Research News

As Becky Reichart pressed against one of the sleek, bleached, white rib bones of the fully rearticulated 17-foot-7-inch Burmese python, one of the largest found in Florida, she commented, “They look delicate, but they’re actually really strong.” The bones tell the story of the snake’s life in the
For the next 10 months, a colony of dermestid beetles

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Caribbean parrots thought to be endemic are actually relicts of millennial-scale extinction – Research News

In a new study published in PNAS, researchers have extracted the first ancient DNA from Caribbean parrots, which they compared with genetic sequences from modern birds. Working with fossils and archaeological specimens, they showed that two species thought to be endemic to particular islands were on
spiked in regional hotspots Life on Earth Tiger beetles

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How ancient Mayan shell decor led to a new look at freshwater mussels south of the border – Research News

The ancient Maya are not particularly known for their love of freshwater mussels. Mathematics, maize, pyramids and human sacrifice, yes. But bivalves? Not so much. Yet Florida Museum of Natural History archaeologists Ashley Sharpe and Kitty Emery could not sift through a single bag of material fr
origin of cattle in the Americas Life on Earth Tiger beetles

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Tropical insects are extremely sensitive to changing climates – Research News

Insects that are adapted to perennially wet environments, like tropical rainforests, don’t tend to do well when their surroundings dry out. New research published this Wednesday indicates they may be equally averse to heavy rainfall. The results of an extensive five-year study conducted in Peru r
much of the biomass came from large insects, such as beetles

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Tropical insects are extremely sensitive to changing climates – Research News

Insects that are adapted to perennially wet environments, like tropical rainforests, don’t tend to do well when their surroundings dry out. New research published this Wednesday indicates they may be equally averse to heavy rainfall. The results of an extensive five-year study conducted in Peru r
much of the biomass came from large insects, such as beetles

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Publications and grant support – Digital Imaging Division

Publications resulting from work performed at the Digital imaging division Paluh, D.J., Dillard, W.A., Stanley, E.L., Fraser, G.J. and Blackburn, D.C., 2021. Re‐evaluating the morphological evidence for the re‐evolution of lost mandibular teeth in frogs. Evolution. Open Access: Download here
Plasticity of mycangia in Xylosandrus ambrosia beetles

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Florida Museum’s Greatest Hits: An Online Guide – Florida Museum Blog

Did you know you can visit the Museum online instead of in person? You can explore our online exhibits, YouTube playlists, news and blogs to keep inspired about science and nature. There’s a lot here that you might not know about! Our website is vast, with many thousands of pages and millions of
myth of the cursed creator (story + video) Tiger beetles

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