Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Wales

Taeniura meyeni – Discover Fishes

Blotched Fantail Ray Taeniura meyeni This large stingray can grow to almost 6 feet wide and over 300 pounds. The pectoral disc is very round, with black, white and gray splotches across its brown to grey to purplish top, and a white underside. The tapering tail is usually slightly shorter th
on the eastern coast as far northern as New South Wales

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Record number of endangered sawfish tagged – Research News

Scientists studying marine animals at the Florida Museum of Natural History seem to be living the high life, heading to the coast for fishing trips in the name of research. But when you take away the refreshments, the relaxation most people associate with going fishing and consider they’re lo
Fieldwork Florida’s rare blue bee rediscovered at Lake Wales

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Isistius brasiliensis – Discover Fishes

Cookiecutter Shark Isistius brasiliensis This small, cigar-shaped shark is dark brown on top and light on the underside, with a darker band around its neck. The light underside glows, attracting fish, whales, and sharks. It attaches itself to the prey and uses its serrated bottom teeth to cu
Australia include the waters off Queensland, New South Wales

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Hemiscyllium ocellatum – Discover Fishes

Epaulette Shark Hemiscyllium ocellatum This carpet shark is a long, slender shark that tends to be creamy or brown with small dark spots (Compagno 2005). They often forage for food in tidal pools and risk being stranded, but they can survive for up to an hour without any oxygen (Stenslokken
shark is found as far south as Sydney, New South Wales

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Carcharias taurus – Discover Fishes

Sand Tiger Shark Carcharias taurus Sand tiger sharks are large, slow-moving, coastal sharks that have a flattened, conical snout. They are light brown on the dorsal surface with some scattered dark spots, and light colored ventrally. They have broad triangular fins and a distinct caudal fin
Australia the sand tiger received protection in New South Wales

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Stegostoma fasciatum – Discover Fishes

Zebra Shark Stegostoma fasciatum This mollusk crunching coastal carpetshark was misidentified for years by taxonomists. Due to the black and white stripes of the pups eventually turning to spotted adults, the two different life stages were thought to be differing species. Zebra sharks are po
Ocean, the Red Sea, East Africa, Japan, and New South Wales

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Sphyrna zygaena – Discover Fishes

Smooth Hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena This coastal shark prefers shallow waters, and are reported to even venture in freshwater. Sporting a wide and smooth cephalophoil or „hammerhead“ this seasonal migrant is the second largest in the genus Sphyrna. Order – Carcharhiniformes Family – Sphyrnid
on sharks caught by sports fishermen off New South Wales

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Pristis zijsron – Discover Fishes

Green Sawfish Pristis zijsron Sawfish look a lot like sharks, but they are actually rays. Their unusual snout, or rostrum, is studded with „teeth“ (specialized scales) and is used to stun schooling fish by swinging side to side. The green sawfish is the largest species of sawfish, growing to
from Broome (Western Australia) to Sydney (New South Wales

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Herbarium Library – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

The University of Florida Herbarium maintains a non-circulating reference library of publications pertinent to the naming and classification of vascular plants (plant taxonomy and nomenclature). The literature in this collection contains descriptions, geographical ranges and keys for differentiatin
England 307 Ireland 308 Scotland 309 Wales 310 Austria

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