Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Wales

Cephaloscyllium laticeps – Discover Fishes

Australian Swellshark Cephaloscyllium laticeps This thick, stout shark is recognizable for its medium-brown body covered in irregular darker blotches and spots, and their elongated, cat-like eyes. It is nocturnal and sedentary, and when threatened, can suck air and water into its body to inf
Western Australia to the central coast of New South Wales

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Dasyatis kuhlii – Discover Fishes

Bluespotted Stingray Dasyatis kuhlii The slightly diamond shaped disc of this stingray tends to be red-brown to green-yellow on top, with bright blue spots and small black spots, and a darker brown bar across its eye region. It is often confused with the bluespotted ribbontail ray, but the b
ranging from north of Port Stephens in New South Wales

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Taeniura lymma – Discover Fishes

Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray Taeniura lymma This smaller ray (12 to 14 inches across) has an oval pectoral disc that is usually yellow to brown to olive-green and scattered with blue spots on top, and white underneath. It looks a lot like the bluespotted stingray, but this ray is much rounder
tropics, and south to the northern coast of New South Wales

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Myliobatis australis – Discover Fishes

Australian Bull Ray Myliobatis australis This rather small and incredibly shy ray was made famous over the accidental death of celebrity Steve Irwin. They only grow to almost 4 feet wide and are quick to retreat when humans approach, but they have long venomous stinging spines at the base of
effort data on trawlers fishing waters off New South Wales

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Fingerprints of ancient forests offer rare look at Florida 16 million years ago – Research News

Along a bend in the Apalachicola River, 50 miles west of Tallahassee, Florida’s largest slice of visible bedrock towers more than 100 feet above the surrounding banks. With a rich fossil record of plants, Alum Bluff offers a glimpse of Florida’s forests 13 to 16 million years ago, and paleobotanists
Fieldwork Florida’s rare blue bee rediscovered at Lake Wales

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These plants evolved in Florida millions of years ago. They may be gone in decades. – Research News

Scrub mints are among the most endangered plants you’ve probably never heard of. More than half of the 24 species currently known to exist are considered threatened or endangered at the state or federal level, and nearly all scrub mints grow in areas that are being rapidly developed or converted to
Fieldwork Florida’s rare blue bee rediscovered at Lake Wales

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Taeniura meyeni – Discover Fishes

Blotched Fantail Ray Taeniura meyeni This large stingray can grow to almost 6 feet wide and over 300 pounds. The pectoral disc is very round, with black, white and gray splotches across its brown to grey to purplish top, and a white underside. The tapering tail is usually slightly shorter th
on the eastern coast as far northern as New South Wales

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A new age for exploring the uncharted deep sea – Research News

Imagine looking down on where you live from 20,000 feet above. Now imagine 95 percent of what’s below has never been seen. That’s what it’s like exploring the deep sea—the planet’s largest and most unknown habitat. The deep-sea environment is ominous and harsh. There is no light and the pressure
Fieldwork Florida’s rare blue bee rediscovered at Lake Wales

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Isistius brasiliensis – Discover Fishes

Cookiecutter Shark Isistius brasiliensis This small, cigar-shaped shark is dark brown on top and light on the underside, with a darker band around its neck. The light underside glows, attracting fish, whales, and sharks. It attaches itself to the prey and uses its serrated bottom teeth to cu
Australia include the waters off Queensland, New South Wales

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Echeneis naucrates – Discover Fishes

Sharksucker Echeneis naucrates These are very recognizable fish because of their highly modified dorsal fin that is an oval shaped sucking disc. They are as long as 43 inches, and slender, with lower jaws that extend much further than upper. They attach themselves to sharks, turtles, whales,
north and south to the southern coast of New South Wales

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