Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Puerto Rico

Along the perimeter fence: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – Research News

The Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is the oldest U.S. military installation on foreign soil. It was established at the end of the Spanish-American war and celebrated its centennial in 2003. Although it recently was relegated to what the Navy terms “minimum pillar” or its lowest level of operati
, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Grenada, Trinidad, Puerto

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Soils – Environmental Archaeology

Archaeopedology at the Lake Monroe Outlet Midden (8VO53) By Sylvia J. Scudder The Site Setting Volusia County, FL is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and the west by the St. Johns River. The landscape is formed from a series of beach ridges and terraces that accumulated tens of thousa
Bas Saline, Haiti Caribbean Faunal Exploitation Puerto

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Plant lineage points to different evolutionary playbook for temperate species – Research News

An ancient, cosmopolitan lineage of plants is shaking up scientists’ understanding of how quickly species evolve in temperate ecosystems and why. Many researchers have thought new species evolve in tandem with the development of different physical characteristics and the appearance of new kinds o
more than 20 times Evolution Coquí fossil from Puerto

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Ancient Caribbean children helped with grocery shopping in A.D. 400 – Research News

Researchers have long thought that snail and clam shells found at Caribbean archaeological sites were evidence of “starvation food” eaten in times when other resources were lacking. Now, a University of Florida study suggests these shells may be evidence of children helping with the grocery shopping
Funding from the Puerto Rico and U.S.

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Caribbean parrots thought to be endemic are actually relicts of millennial-scale extinction – Research News

In a new study published in PNAS, researchers have extracted the first ancient DNA from Caribbean parrots, which they compared with genetic sequences from modern birds. Working with fossils and archaeological specimens, they showed that two species thought to be endemic to particular islands were on
fragmentary fossils collected outside of Hispaniola and Puerto

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Archaic Period – Environmental Archaeology

Middle Archaic in the Greater Southeast and Northeast Florida By Kenneth E. Sassaman, May 2001 Until recently, the Middle Archaic period of ca. 8000 to 5000 years ago was regarded by archaeologists as a time of small, mobile, hunter-gatherer populations whose cultural differences could be explaine
Bas Saline, Haiti Caribbean Faunal Exploitation Puerto

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Overview – Environmental Archaeology

An Overview of a Middle – Late Archaic Period Site in the Upper St. Johns River Valley. by Elizabeth Horvath The Lake Monroe Outlet Midden is located on the northwestern shore of Lake Monroe in Volusia County, FL, where the St. Johns River narrows back into its channel after widening to become the
Bas Saline, Haiti Caribbean Faunal Exploitation Puerto

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Haemulon plumieri – Discover Fishes

White Grunt Haemulon plumieri These schooling reef fish have almond shaped bodies with pointed snouts and forked caudal (tail) fins. They are generally silvery white or cream, with touches of bronze or yellow, and striped with blue at their heads. Their mouths are red, and they make a grunti
May and June off Florida, August and September off Puerto

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Publications and grant support – Digital Imaging Division

Publications resulting from work performed at the Digital imaging division Paluh, D.J., Dillard, W.A., Stanley, E.L., Fraser, G.J. and Blackburn, D.C., 2021. Re‐evaluating the morphological evidence for the re‐evolution of lost mandibular teeth in frogs. Evolution. Open Access: Download here
earliest record of Caribbean frogs: a fossil coquí from Puerto

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Scomberomorus regalis – Discover Fishes

Cero Mackerel Scomberomorus regalis This solitary torpedo-shaped fish is streamlined and strong, with finlets running between the prominent second dorsal and anal fins, and the crescent caudal (tail) fin. It is a green-blue from above, and mostly silvery white except for brassy spots and str
Jamaica, and year round off the coast of Florida, Puerto

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