Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Puerto Rico

Before the Pilgrims, Floridians celebrated the ‘real’ first Thanksgiving – Research News

It’s that time of year when children make cardboard turkeys and draw the Mayflower, while we prepare to fill our tables with stuffing and pumpkin pie the way most of us imagine the Pilgrims did at the first Thanksgiving in 1621. But there’s just one catch, according to archaeologists at the Flori
Menéndez stopped to regroup and resupply at San Juan Puerto

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An early bloom of evolution – Research News

Florida Museum researchers find that a rapid burst of flowering plants 90 million years ago set the stage for bursts of diversification in other plant and animal species. A new Florida Museum of Natural History study based on DNA analysis from living flowering plants shows that the ancestors
females fight back Evolution Coquí fossil from Puerto

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Emblemaria pandionis – Discover Fishes

Sailfin Blenny Emblemaria pandionis This small fish has a long, scaleless body and a large, distinct dorsal fin that tends to be larger on males. Their blunt faces are topped with a cirrus above each eye and next to the nostrils. They live in clear, shallow water along rocky shores or reefs
found in the western Atlantic Ocean from the Bahamas, Puerto

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Bulb size matters: Uncovering the evolution of the plant kingdom’s doomsday preppers – Research News

Botanist Cody Coyotee Howard compares bulbs to living bunkers. With an underground stockpile of resources, bulbs can hunker down during disasters and spring up faster than other plants when conditions turn balmy. The bigger the bulb, the more nutrients a plant has in times of need. But bulb size
females fight back Evolution Coquí fossil from Puerto

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Study puts the ‘Carib’ in ‘Caribbean,’ boosting credibility of Columbus’ cannibal claims – Research News

Christopher Columbus’ accounts of the Caribbean include harrowing descriptions of fierce raiders who abducted women and cannibalized men – stories long dismissed as myths. But a new study suggests Columbus may have been telling the truth. Using the equivalent of facial recognition technology,
speakers from coastal Colombia and Venezuela migrated to Puerto

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Sierra del Lacandón – Environmental Archaeology

The Political Role of Animals in the Sierra del Lacandón, Guatemala Project Zooarchaeologists: Ashley Sharpe and Kitty Emery Animals were used for much more than just food in the past: in many Maya communities, the control of certain animal species played an important role maintaining social net
Bas Saline, Haiti Caribbean Faunal Exploitation Puerto

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Plant Remains – Environmental Archaeology

Archaeobotany at the Lake Monroe Outlet Midden (8VO53) By Donna L. Ruhl Archaeobotany is the study of plant remains from archaeological sites. It is both the science and the art of recovering, identifying, and interpreting how plant remains were used in the past at archaeological sites. Archaeobot
Bas Saline, Haiti Caribbean Faunal Exploitation Puerto

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Lutjanus synagris – Discover Fishes

Lane Snapper Lutjanus synagris These almond-shaped reef fish usually find a favorite location and don’t stray far from it their entire lives. They’re pink-red on top, with yellow to red fins, and they have silvery bodies with pink to yellow lines running from end to end. Although they genera
September with peaks in July and August, while in Puerto

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