Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Luzern

About this Website – Panama Canal Project (PCP PIRE)

This web site was initiated and developed as a group class project during the Fall 2010 PCP PIRE graduate seminar at the University of Florida. An entire semester was devoted to the development of this web site by the students in this seminar class, which included: Alex Hastings, John „Andy“ Kilmer,
which included: Alex Hastings, John “Andy” Kilmer, Luz

  • International
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Sierra del Lacandón – Environmental Archaeology

The Political Role of Animals in the Sierra del Lacandón, Guatemala Project Zooarchaeologists: Ashley Sharpe and Kitty Emery Animals were used for much more than just food in the past: in many Maya communities, the control of certain animal species played an important role maintaining social net
University), Andrew Scherer (Brown University), and Luz

  • International
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