Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Handy

Nicolas Gauthier leveraging AI to increase the value of museum collections – Research News

Earlier this year, Nicolas Gauthier joined the Florida Museum of Natural History as its first curator of artificial intelligence, part of a broad initiative by the University of Florida to spur innovation in AI and data science. Gauthier has spent over a decade studying the cultural history o
That’s where AI methods come in handy.

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New hawk moth species are among the smallest ever discovered – Research News

Hawk moths are known for being some of the largest night fliers in the insect world. With wingspans of more than four inches, many species are big enough to comfortably fill the palm of your hand. Thanks to the work of a small team of researchers at the Florida Museum of Natural History, three new s
variation in the length of their tongues comes in handy

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Coastal forests retreat as sea levels rise – Research News

That sea levels are rising is hardly new news–they have been doing so since the end of the last major glaciation some 18,000 years ago. The current rate of rise, a little more than a tenth of an inch per year, is also not that unusual–6,000–8,000 years ago the seas were often rising 10 times faster.
the end, but tall ones needed be ascended with our handy

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Coastal forests retreat as sea levels rise – Research News

That sea levels are rising is hardly new news–they have been doing so since the end of the last major glaciation some 18,000 years ago. The current rate of rise, a little more than a tenth of an inch per year, is also not that unusual–6,000–8,000 years ago the seas were often rising 10 times faster.
the end, but tall ones needed be ascended with our handy

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Costa Rica Photography Workshop with the Florida Museum and Holbrook Travel – Events

It’s pre-dawn. Your camera and lenses are packed, and you’ve pulled yourself out of bed before sunrise for early morning photography. Nature photography takes planning, persistence, patience and grit. But you return home with images you are technically unhappy with. Perhaps they were not exposed pr
hiking boots and quick dry clothes will all come in handy

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Costa Rica Photography Workshop with the Florida Museum and Holbrook Travel – Events

It’s pre-dawn. Your camera and lenses are packed, and you’ve pulled yourself out of bed before sunrise for early morning photography. Nature photography takes planning, persistence, patience and grit. But you return home with images you are technically unhappy with. Perhaps they were not exposed pr
hiking boots and quick dry clothes will all come in handy

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Preparation and Conservation – Vertebrate Paleontology Collection

Until a time machine is invented, fossils represent the only information we have about extinct animals. The information contained in fossils can be developed and enhanced by proper preparation techniques. This information can also be preserved for future generations through proper conservation and
sometimes tempted to use whatever adhesive is most handy

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