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Newsletter „Zahlungsverkehr und Wertpapierabwicklung“ | Deutsche Bundesbank

In der aktuellen Ausgabe informieren wir Sie über die Verlängerung der Projektlaufzeit der TARGET2/T2S-Konsolidierung, einen EZB-Rats-Beschluss bezüglich TIPS, die deutsche Umsetzung TIBER-DE, 50 Jahre Bankleitzahl und weisen auf die virtuelle Veranstaltungsreihe „Digitale Zukunft des Zahlungsverkehrs“ hin.
Virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe”, with

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Cash demand planning (2/5) | Deutsche Bundesbank

This online course is aimed at those new to roles in central bank cash departments who would like an introduction to how to plan future demand and how to monitor the cash stock, through to more experienced experts wishing to expand their knowledge as well as those that are responsible for supervising such processes.
Technical requirements Computer with microphone, camera

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Demographic Trends, Saving and Retirement Security: Stylized Facts and Behavioral Responses | Deutsche Bundesbank

The Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA) and the Deutsche Bundesbank are organizing an international conference on „Demographic Trends, Saving and Retirement Security: Stylized Facts and Behavioral Responses“ in Munich, 12 – 13 July 2012.
bring together young and established researchers with

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Spring Conference 2016 – Monetary, financial and fiscal stability | Deutsche Bundesbank

Researchers and policy makers tend to treat monetary, financial and fiscal policies separately. In the interest of clear accountability, countries often create three distinct policy institutions, each assigned to focus on its own objective-macroeconomic stability, financial stability or government debt sustainability. This tendency stems partly from a belief that the spillovers among policies are small enough to be negligible. Real-world developments since 2007 belie that belief.
Bundesbank initiated the Trinity research network together with

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Current challenges in cash management | Deutsche Bundesbank

This panel is aimed at those who would like to examine the future path of cash management, through to more experienced experts wishing to expand their knowledge in order to be able to advise senior management or board members as well as the head of division in the cash department of their institutions.
Technical requirements Computer with microphone, camera

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