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Advanced topics in seasonal adjustment | Deutsche Bundesbank

The course is aimed at economists and statisticians who are interested in studying advanced topics in seasonal adjustment and in the efficient application of JDemetra+. Prior knowledge and/or experience of time series analysis in general and seasonal adjustment in particular are highly recommended.
“Elementary seasonal adjustment of economic data with

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TARGET2 turns ten: forging a single European money market | Deutsche Bundesbank

Bundesbank Executive Board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele hailed the success of the TARGET2 payment system as he marked ten years since its launch. Speaking at an anniversary reception in Frankfurt am Main, Thiele highlighted the role that the single shared platform for central bank money transfers has played in forging a highly integrated Eurosystem money market.
Bundesbank celebrated TARGET2’s tenth anniversary with

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The role of central bank reserves in monetary policy | Deutsche Bundesbank

What consequences does the remuneration of central bank reserves have for the profits of commercial banks and central banks? Economist Paul De Grauwe from the London School of Economics addressed this topic as part of a talk given at the Bundesbank on 4 September 2023.
The subsequent panel discussion with De Grauwe and

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Combating counterfeit money by the National Analysis Centre | Deutsche Bundesbank

The expert panel is aimed at experienced experts from the anti-counterfeiting unit of central banks who need a detailed understanding of techniques for succeeding in the fight against forged money. Participants are expected to make an active contribution to the discussions and will be invited to present and discuss their own topics or cases.
The panel will serve as a platform for discussions with

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Wie Haushaltsscannerdaten bei der Inflationsprognose helfen | Deutsche Bundesbank

Die Prognose der Inflationsrate für den jeweils laufenden Monat („Nowcasting“) ist für Zentralbanken und Marktteilnehmer von hoher Bedeutung, insbesondere in turbulenten Zeiten. In einer neuen Studie untersuchen Forscherinnen und Forscher, ob sich der Nowcast der monatlichen Inflationsrate in Deutschland mithilfe Millionen granularer, wöchentlicher Scannerdaten von privaten Haushalten und Techniken des Maschinellen Lernens (ML) verbessern lässt.
Machine Learning Time Series Regressions with an Application

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