Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: romania

Ministerul Educatiei Nationale (MEN) – english information

This website provides an overview on the structure of the Ministry of Education offering access to the different departments of the Ministry. A list of educational institutions and subordinated institutions is presented without links, however for the time being only in Romanian language. Besides a short link list to educational institutions abroad ( EU, Germany, Austria, Israel, Singapur etc.) is available.           [Report a broken link] Romania

Romanian Academy – english information

The Romanian Academy is incorporated and functions autonomously. Its activity is financed by the state, as well as by donations, legacies and other funds earmarked for the accomplishment of academic goals. The Academy administers its assets independently. It has several main objectives: cultivation of the national language and literature, study of the national history, research into major scientific domains, and promotion of democratic and ethical principles of free communication of ideas in Romanian sciences, arts and letters.           [Report a broken link] Romania

The Romanian Education Network (RoEduNet) – english information

The RoEduNet was created in July 1993. From the very beginning RoEduNet was conceived as an open structure, offering free access to the academic, scientific and cultural nonprofit institutions; once the first institution was connected – the University of Bucharest, August 1993 – the nucleus of the academic data communication infrastructure was created. RoEduNet is an organization and in the same time a data communication system which connects a number of Local Area Networks through their Central Access Nodes to a national WAN data communication infrastructure, operated by NSP (Network Service Provider) nodes in Bucharest, Iasi, Tirgu Mures, Cluj, Timisoara and Craiova. The aim of this technical complex is to offer the participants – universities, cultural and scientific nonprofit institutions – the means to communicate with each other as well as to have access to Internet.           [Report a broken link] Romania

Adult Education in Southeast Europe (EBIS-Project) – english information

This website includes state-of-the-art reports on the development of adult education in seven countries in Southeast Europe.- The EBiS Project ( EBiS: Erwachsenenbildung in Suedosteuropa) has been initiated and co-ordinated by IIZ/ DVV, Bonn with the support of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development ( BMZ) under the terms of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe. The project will help to make best use of adult education (AE) opportunities and approaches in this part of Europe.
and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Kosovo; North Macedonia; Romania

Bologna Process – Members‘ National Reports – english information

This website is run by the „European Higher Education Area“ and provides national reports on the status of the Bologna Process since 2003 from about 50 European countries. You can find the latest report at the top of the page of each member country. Older reports can be found at the bottom of the page in the menu bar on the right (under „related documents“).[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania

Cluster of Knowledge on Vocational Education and Training & South East Europe Regional VET Network (SEEVET-Net) – ERI SEE – english information

The Cluster of Knowledge on Vocational Education and Training & the South East Europe Regional VET Network (SEEVET-Net) are networks of the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE). They organise annual meetings whose presentations and results can be found on the website. Under „Library per SEE Countries“ you can find legal regulations for the vocational education and training of the respective countries as well as further documents on different VET issues. ERI SEE was created in 2004. Its governing board consists of the education ministers of the particpating South Eastern European countries.
Kosovo; Moldova, Republic of; Montenegro; Serbia; Romania

South-East Europe Textbook Network – english information

In the framework of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research ( Braunschweig/ Germany) developed a project aiming at the „Coordination of Textbook Research, Development and Textbook Comparison in South-East Europe“. The establishment of a virtual South-East Europe Textbook Network, which started in February 2001, is an integral part of this project. The Network is bound to a regional partner, the Philosophical Faculty of Zagreb University/ Croatia. One of the main aims of this Network is the development of institutionalised, durable possibilities for research and cooperation within and with the region. Up-to-date information on initiatives and results of the textbook situation from different countries as well as from the whole region make the Network a focus point of textbook research in South- East Europe. Along these lines the network carries out several tasks and services which will be gradually available in a medium term perspective: 1. Database (teaching materials, scientific literature on textbook research and relevant documents on education policy), 2. Information on Projects ( qualified information on ongoing projects and initiatives on textbook research and development in South-East Europe) 3. Networking and Coordination (database with links to institutions and organisations which are active within the international and regional framework of textbook research).
; Croatia; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Romania