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Bildung – Ware oder öffentliches Gut?

In diesem dreiseitigen Volltextbeitrag kritisiert die Autorin im Lichte der Globalisierung die Privatisierungstendenzen der staatlich-öffentlichen Bildungssysteme. Sie weist auf Entwicklungen hin, wonach auch in den europäischen Ländern Kindergärten, Schulen, Universitäten und Volkshochschulen immer stärker dem kapitalistischen Markt unterworfen werden. Im Rahmen eines Transformationsprozesses werden öffentliche Bildungseinrichtungen in verschärftem Maße dazu gedrängt, in einen „Wettbewerb um Mittel“ einzutreten.
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Bildung – Ware oder öffentliches Gut?

In this three-sided full text contribution the author criticizes in the light of globalization the privatization tendencies regarding the public general education systems. She refers to developments indicating that also in European countries kindergartens, schools, universities and evening schools becoming more and more subject to the capitalist market. In this transformation process public educational institutions are extremely pushed to enter a „competition on funding“.
Education Systems International Bildung – Ware oder

Viadrina European University Frankfurt (Oder)/Germany

The University was founded in 1991 as the successor to the earlier Alma Mater Viadrina (1506-1811). Since its re-establishment it has worked alo future-oriented lines, testified to by the international student body and teaching staff, the network of foreign contacts as well as the interconnected programmes of study. Thirty percent of the Viadrina‘ s students come from Poland. What’s more, students from virtually every continent study at the Viadrina, but most of them come from Europe.- This website is structured as follows: General information; Study Programmes, Summer Courses and European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
International Viadrina European University Frankfurt (Oder