Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Niederlande

anabin – Information about the Education System in the Netherlands [courtesy translation] – english information

This site provides structured information on education in the Netherlands in German language. The single chapters deal with school, higher education, and teacher education. „anabin“ is an information database of the German Conference of Ministers of Education – Central Office for Foreign Education (Kultusministerkonferenz – Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen – ZAB). Its mission is to provide information for the evaluation of foreign educational certificates. [Abstract: Site editor’s information supplemented by editors of Education Worldwide]

SURF Foundation – english information

SURF is the joint network services and ICT organisation of the Dutch institutions of higher education and research. It supports and facilitates realisations in the field of ICT. The internet platform for the network is SURFnet ( On the website the organisation and a comprehensive list of projects with relevant links are provided. Publications can be searched via a search engine and are offering the choice between a fulltext or a summary (partly English documents, all to download). The meeting calendar is searchable via search engine, too.

The Netherlands Institute for Care and Welfare (NIZW) – english information

NIZW is an independent organization which targets innovation and improvement in the care and welfare sector. It provides information and support to professionals and volunteers working in fields as varied as child care, social services, community work, services for the elderly, youth care, shelter, nursing homes, home care and services for disabled people. Concrete products include conferences, training programmes, books, brochures, almanacs, databases, websites, CD ROMs, videos and an information telephone / help line. On the international page of the website access to English articles and the Newsletter ‚Intermezzo‘ and factsheets (PDF-files to download). The main part of the site is in Dutch language.

CINOP – english information

The Centre for Innovation of Education and Training is an independent institution serving the (formal) recognition and development of competencies, skills, expertise and knowledge. One of CINOP’s main tasks is the conceptual development of powerful learning environments. E-learning and the development of multi-media are another concern. CINOP deals with applied research and its implementation. The centre renders services for institutions, national bodies, ministries, companies, and international organisations in the field of vocational education and training.

International Statistical Institute (ISI) – english information

The ISI is the largest international scientific society on the fields of statistics with approx. 5000 members from all over the world. The ISI unites the expertise in the sectors mathematical-statistical methods, evaluation methods, information technology, official statistics and formation on a global level. The goal of ISI is to develop and to improve statistical methods and procedures as well as their application in politics, economy, administration and science. The most important instrument for achieving this goal is the promotion of international collaboration and of the exchange of the newest knowledge on all branches of statistics.

SURF Foundation – english information

SURF is the joint network services and ICT organisation of the Dutch institutions of higher education and research. It supports and facilitates realisations in the field of ICT. The internet platform for the network is SURFnet ( On the website the organisation and a comprehensive list of projects with relevant links are provided. Publications can be searched via a search engine and are offering the choice between a fulltext or a summary (partly English documents, all to download). The meeting calendar is searchable via search engine, too.

Social and Cultural Planning of the Netherlands (SCP) – english information

The SCP Office of the Netherlands is a government agency doing independent scientific research. The main fields studied are health, welfare, social security, labour market and education, and especially the interfaces between these different social fields. Most publications are available in Dutch with an English summary. Some publications are entirely in English. They can be downloaded and/or ordered by mail. SCP has a wide range of data files available on-line, e.g. longitudinal series of population surveys, international surveys, institutional data, data for ad hoc projects… . Link to the longitudinal survey „The Cultural Changes in the Netherlands 2000“.