Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Katar

Pro-Palästinensische Proteste an Unis weltweit – internationaler Pressespiegel & Stellungnahmen von Bildungsorganisationen – [ Deutscher Bildungsserver ]

Diese Seite bietet die wichtigsten Stellungnahmen und Artikel zum Thema der pro-palästinensischen studentischen Demonstrationen an Universitäten. Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden und behalten Sie den Überblick zu internationalen Campusbesetzungen als Reaktion auf den Krieg Israels gegen die Terrororganisation Hamas in Gaza.
Mai 2024 Katar Aljazeera US advocacy groups back

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations at universities worldwide – International press review & statements by educational organisations – [ Deutscher Bildungsserver ]

This page offers the most important statements and articles on the topic of pro-Palestinian student demonstrations at universities. Stay up to date and keep track of international campus occupations in response to Israel’s war against the terrorist organisation Hamas in Gaza.
03 May 2024   Katar Aljazeera US advocacy groups

Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States – english information

ABEGS is an intergovernmental, regional, non-profit organization based in Riyadh (Saudi-Arabia) working within its seven member states: the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Republic of Yemen, the State of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman and the State of Quatar, to contribute to the unification of the countries and people of the region by promoting collaboration among them and developing collective efforts and methods of cooperation in the fields of culture, education, science, information and documentation.

Gulf Arab States Educational Research Center – english information

The Gulf Arab States Educational Research Center was founded in 1977 and has taken up work at its headquarters in Kuwait in 1979. GASERC participates in developing the educational process in the Member States by ensuring the adequacy, the updating and the integration of that process to make it an effective factor in developing the human resources and supporting the social and economic development of the Member States in Particular and the Arab Nation in general. In order to realize this target, the following functions are undertaken: 1) Carrying out comprehensive research into the status of educational system within the Member States and measuring their efficiency in the light of their stated objectives. 2) Experimenting with new educational techniques within Gulf institutions with the aim of benefiting from them. 3) Carrying out the prior research and planning studies necessary for the implementation of regional educational project. 4) Collecting and organizing data about education within the Member States and the subsequent analysis and publication of such information. 5) Encouraging and publishing research of a specifically Arab and Islamic nature in an endeavor to ensure Member States base their educational plans on such tenets. 6) Maintaining contact with other educational research centers both within Member States and also with other external Arab, Islamic and international centers in order to exchange expertise and information and to keep abreast of the latest developments so that these may be disseminated to the Member States. 7) Providing consultative services over the full range of educational activities whenever requested by Member States. 8) Providing opportunities for a wide range of educationalists (such as teachers, curriculum developers, coursebook and teaching aid designers, examiners, etc..) to undertake empirical research in the field. 9) Co-operating directly with individual educational institutions within Member States whenever this is beneficial for the Center’s aims and programs. On the homepage of the GASERC there are, unfortunately, no publication lists or project descriptions. There is, however, an overview on Member States‘ meetings and visitors have access to the literature data base which refers to the collections of the centre‘ s library.