Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Germanen

Country Cooperations: Russian Federation (International Bureau of the German federal

This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities for Russia, on the political framework, on highlights of the bilateral cooperation as well as its priorities. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
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Country Cooperations: Russian Federation (International Bureau of the German federal

This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities for Russia, on the political framework, on highlights of the bilateral cooperation as well as its priorities. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
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Germany and India: Partners in Education and Research (German Federal Ministry of

This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the development of the cooperation, the political framework, and on key areas. Additionally to the website of the International Office of the BMBF, this website has a focus on cooperation in vocational education and training. You will also find some official documents and further relevant links. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
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Vereinigung Deutsch-Französischer Gesellschaften für Europa e.V. (VDFG) – english information

The VDFG („Association of German-French Societies for Europe“) has a French counterpart – Currently, there are about 160 members, like German-French Societies, partnership – associations, German-French choirs and others. – The website provides ample information on German-French partnerships, on a congress
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