Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bolivien

Vice Ministry of Alternative and Special Education – english information

The Vice Ministry of Alternative and Special Education (VEAyE) is a public entity of the education sector. It contributes to the construction process of the plurinational state and the socio-communal and productive education, prinicpally through the constitution of the plural education and the democratisation of the access to education as well as the sustainable, integral education with equal opportunities in particular for the marginal or excluded population. To respond to this concern, VEAyE develops policies, norms, strategies and national programs for special education, youth and adult education, continuing education and for the alphabetisation as well as the post-alphabetisation. Furthermore, it launches reconditioning processes of education knowledge as well as knowledge and awareness developed by the population. Also, VEAyE develops articulation and mobilisation processes with organisations and social sectors. These actions are executed under the point of view of public education, Lifelong Learning and inclusive education.

Vice Ministry of Alternative and Special Education – english information

The Vice Ministry of Alternative and Special Education (VEAyE) is a public entity of the education sector. It contributes to the construction process of the plurinational state and the socio-communal and productive education, prinicpally through the constitution of the plural education and the democratisation of the access to education as well as the sustainable, integral education with equal opportunities in particular for the marginal or excluded population. To respond to this concern, VEAyE develops policies, norms, strategies and national programs for special education, youth and adult education, continuing education and for the alphabetisation as well as the post-alphabetisation. Furthermore, it launches reconditioning processes of education knowledge as well as knowledge and awareness developed by the population. Also, VEAyE develops articulation and mobilisation processes with organisations and social sectors. These actions are executed under the point of view of public education, Lifelong Learning and inclusive education.

Executive Committee of the Bolivian University – english information

The Executive Committee of the Bolivian University (CEUB) is the central joint body of the Bolivian universities and represents them against the state and abroad. The web site of this organization provides full texts about the structure and missions of the CEUB, documents mainly about study courses and degrees, university admission (also for foreigners), statistics and various legal regulations. The link „Informativo“ leads to full texts of journal articles, a further link is a directory of Bolivian and Latin American universities.

Executive Committee of the Bolivian University – english information

The Executive Committee of the Bolivian University (CEUB) is the central joint body of the Bolivian universities and represents them against the state and abroad. The web site of this organization provides full texts about the structure and missions of the CEUB, documents mainly about study courses and degrees, university admission (also for foreigners), statistics and various legal regulations. The link „Informativo“ leads to full texts of journal articles, a further link is a directory of Bolivian and Latin American universities.

University Extension Network: Univerisities towards the Integration of Frontiers – english information

The University Extension Network: Univerisities towards the Integration of Frontiers (REUNIF) is a non-profit organisation founded by the Argentinian universities Universidad Nacional de Jujuy and Universidad Nacional de Salta as well as the Bolivian university Universidad Autónoma de Juan Misael Saracho de Bolivia. It is a dynamic network of the universities of Argentina and Bolivia which works cooperatively and in strategic alliance with social partners of the government, with enterprises and with the population. It implements projects which are of use for the extension of the universities and which contribute sustainably and in a global perspective to the integration and the development of spaces of frontiers. The objectives of REUNIF are the fight against poverty and the implementation of a quality education with equal opportunies for the whole population. Furthermore, REUNIF works for the solid integration and a sustainable regional development through the identification, the management and the execution of regional projects relevant for the extension of the universities.

Bolivian Physics Society – english information

The Bolivian Physics Society (SOBOFI) has the objectives to contribute to the scientific and technological progress of the country through knowledge as well as through the application of physics in all its aspects, to disseminate the knowledge about the value of physics concerning the development of the country and the knowledge about education activities of this discipline in the public sector and to promote and deepen the knowledge of physics as a discipline in colleges and schools as well as in other education institutions. Also, SOBOFI wants to elevate the statutes of professional ethics and technological education and to stimulate scientific and technological research.

Bolivian Physics Society – english information

The Bolivian Physics Society (SOBOFI) has the objectives to contribute to the scientific and technological progress of the country through knowledge as well as through the application of physics in all its aspects, to disseminate the knowledge about the value of physics concerning the development of the country and the knowledge about education activities of this discipline in the public sector and to promote and deepen the knowledge of physics as a discipline in colleges and schools as well as in other education institutions. Also, SOBOFI wants to elevate the statutes of professional ethics and technological education and to stimulate scientific and technological research.

University Extension Network: Univerisities towards the Integration of Frontiers – english information

The University Extension Network: Univerisities towards the Integration of Frontiers (REUNIF) is a non-profit organisation founded by the Argentinian universities Universidad Nacional de Jujuy and Universidad Nacional de Salta as well as the Bolivian university Universidad Autónoma de Juan Misael Saracho de Bolivia. It is a dynamic network of the universities of Argentina and Bolivia which works cooperatively and in strategic alliance with social partners of the government, with enterprises and with the population. It implements projects which are of use for the extension of the universities and which contribute sustainably and in a global perspective to the integration and the development of spaces of frontiers. The objectives of REUNIF are the fight against poverty and the implementation of a quality education with equal opportunies for the whole population. Furthermore, REUNIF works for the solid integration and a sustainable regional development through the identification, the management and the execution of regional projects relevant for the extension of the universities.