International workshop on strengthening synergies for biodiversity and climate in multifunctional landscapes | BFN
Participants unable to join in person have the option
Participants unable to join in person have the option
The International conference “Perspectives of the Green Belt – Chances for an ecological network from the Barents Sea to the Adriatic Sea?”, held in July 2003 in Bonn, has been a milestone in the development of the vision of a European Green Belt.
as from IUCN, the European Union and several NGOs have
The ISSC-MAP is designed to help those involved in the harvest, management, trade, manufacture, and sale of wild-collected medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) resources to understand and comply with the conditions under which sustainable collection of these resources can take place.
Field consultations and implementation projects have
The International conference “Perspectives of the Green Belt – Chances for an ecological network from the Barents Sea to the Adriatic Sea?”, held in July 2003 in Bonn, has been a milestone in the development of the vision of a European Green Belt.
as from IUCN, the European Union and several NGOs have
After the entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol and the corresponding Regulation (EU) No. 511/2014 (EU ABS Regulation), the Member States of the European Union (EU) are now obligated to take steps towards the operationalization of these legal instruments. Their im-plementation requires a multi-facetted approach, including inter alia the following activities: user identification and awareness raising, cooperation and exchange of information between the EU Member States as well as between EU Member States and provider States, interac-tion between EU Member States and the European Commission (EC), development and im-plementation of administrative procedures (including compliance checks), training of staff, data management etc.
Now that many of the EU Member States have enacted
The European Union (EU) is one of the global major importers of living reptiles, as well as their parts and products (such as leather). Additionally, Germany is a main transit country in the reptile trade within the EU and therefore has a high responsibility for the conservation of traded species.
Germany, there are numerous specialist keepers who have
Rund 150 Fachleute aus ganz Europa diskutieren vom 26. bis 28. September in Bonn die Rolle von Flussauen und Küstenfeuchtgebieten für den Natur- und Klimaschutz. Dabei bringen sie aktuellste Erkenntnisse aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis zusammen und entwickeln Empfehlungen für die Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung dieser lebenswichtigen Ökosysteme.
Net-work of Heads of Nature Conservation Agencies (ENCA) have
The webinar will present two legal opinions of Prof Dr. Dr. Tade Spranger, University of Bonn, which both conclude that the proposed new regulation on the use of plants derived from new genetic engineering techniques (NGT) violates European Union law.
NGT-RNAi plants with pesticidal properties, that have
Die vorliegende Textsammlung Naturschutzrecht des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz bietet externe Verweise zu wichtigen völkerrechtlichen Abkommen im Bereich des Naturschutzes und der Landschaftspflege. Im internationalen Recht, auch bezeichnet als Völkerrecht, liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Regelung der Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Staaten. Zu den wichtigsten Rechtsquellen zählen daher internationale Abkommen, die von den jeweiligen Vertragsparteien ratifiziert werden. Hierbei ist kein anderer Teilbereich des Umweltrechts derart stark geprägt von internationalen Vorgaben wie das europäische und deutsche Naturschutzrecht.
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), member countries have
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), member countries have