Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Germanen

Grundlagen | BFN

Das Nagoya-Protokoll ist ein völkerrechtliches Übereinkommen, das detailliertere Regelungen zu dem dritten Ziel (Zugang zu genetischen Ressourcen und dem gerechter Vorteilsausgleich) der CBD enthält.
Grippeviren der WHO – Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIP Framework) German

Strengthening the science-policy interface for climate and biodiversity | BFN

The interdependencies between climate and biodiversity are scientifically not yet fully understood. However, policies and actions are urgently needed to safeguard these important, interrelated fundamentals for life on earth.
these aspects an online workshop was held in June 2022, as part of the Chinese-German

BfN Schriften 524 – Vilm ABS Dialogue 2018 – Informing about Domestic Measures for Access to Genetic Resources: Final Report | BFN

After entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol and the corresponding Regulation (EU) No. 511/2014, European users of genetic resources (GR) are required to „exercise due dili-gence“ to ensure that they have acquired GR or associated traditional knowledge (aTK) in accordance with the national access procedures of the respective provider country. In Ger-many, as in other EU member states, “competent national authorities” (CNAs) for Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) are in the course of formation and a first meeting of European CNAs already took place in March 2017 on Vilm-Island.
CNAs, as the German Nagoya CNA-Unit, are repeatedly being asked for information and

BfN Schriften 118 – Trade in and Conservation of two Shark Species, Porbeagle (Lamna nasus) and Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) | BFN

FAO has developed an International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks and has recommended that shark fishing states conduct stock assessments and develop similar action plans on national level. CITES is discussing shark conservation and unsustainable trade in sharks, their parts and derivatives and has already listed shark species on its appendices and is considering further listing proposals.
118 Sprache Englisch Seiten 58 Skript118 (pdf, 1.04 MB) Beschreibung As German