Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Germanen

BfN-Publikation: Vorschläge zur Regulierung der Stellnetzfischerei in der Ostsee | BFN

Die Stellnetzfischerei in der deutschen Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ) der Ostsee hat aufgrund hoher Beifangraten erhebliche negative Auswirkungen auf geschützte marine Säugetiere und Seevögel. Dass diese weit verbreitete Art des Fischfangs aus Naturschutzsicht dringend reguliert werden muss, unterstreicht eine neue Publikation des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz (BfN). Sie stellt erforderliche Maßnahmen vor, mit denen Beifang verhindert oder zumindest minimiert werden kann, um empfindliche Arten effektiv zu schützen und zeigt, wie eine langfristige Strategie hin zu naturverträglichen Fanggeräten aussehen kann.
Management measures for static net fisheries in the German

Grundlagen | BFN

Das Nagoya-Protokoll ist ein völkerrechtliches Übereinkommen, das detailliertere Regelungen zu dem dritten Ziel (Zugang zu genetischen Ressourcen und dem gerechter Vorteilsausgleich) der CBD enthält.
Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIP Framework) German

BfN Schriften 195 – International Standard for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP) | BFN

The ISSC-MAP is designed to help those involved in the harvest, management, trade, manufacture, and sale of wild-collected medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) resources to understand and comply with the conditions under which sustainable collection of these resources can take place.
elaborate this Standard thus far has been funded by the German

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services into Urban Policy in China and Germany (2nd edition) | BFN

Cities represent a socio-ecological system in which the highest density of human population coincides with a mosaic of various types of habitats and niches, ranging from natural remnants, semi-natural, emulated natural, to entirely human-created habitats.
with urbanisation and densification in Germany, the German

BfN-Schriften 515 – Second Meeting of the European Competent National Authorities Implementing the Nagoya Protocol and the Corresponding EU Regulation Final Report | BFN

After the entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol and the corresponding Regulation (EU) No. 511/2014 (EU ABS Regulation), the Member States of the European Union (EU) are now obligated to take steps towards the operationalization of these legal instruments. Their im-plementation requires a multi-facetted approach, including inter alia the following activities: user identification and awareness raising, cooperation and exchange of information between the EU Member States as well as between EU Member States and provider States, interac-tion between EU Member States and the European Commission (EC), development and im-plementation of administrative procedures (including compliance checks), training of staff, data management etc.
meeting of European CNAs last year in Germany, the German