Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Germanen

NaBiV Heft 117: Threatened Biodiversity in the German North und Baltic Seas | BFN

The seas of Germany’s coasts are under pressure from human induced pollution and, increasingly, from direct human activities in the area – notably fisheries, resource exploration and extraction, and the erection of offshore installations such as wind farms. Furthermore, the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on marine ecosystems are already apparent.
Sie sind hier: Publikationen NaBiV Heft 117: Threatened Biodiversity In The German

BfN Schriften 233 – Beech Forests – a German contribution to the global forest biodiversity

At the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP9 CBD), to be held in Bonn in May 2008, the forest work programme and the programme of work on protected areas will both feature on the agenda. As part of the national implementation of the CBD goals, a National Strategy on Biological Diversity has been produced, which was adopted by the Federal Cabinet on 7 November 2007 and will be presented within the framework of the COP 9 as the Federal Government’s official strategy. The Strategy includes statements about the development and sustainable use of Germany’s forests as well as for wilderness areas. In order to implement the stated objectives, comprehensive policy recommendations and concepts are required which go far beyond the previous approaches adopted in nature conservation and forestry.
Suchen Sie sind hier: Publikationen BfN Schriften 233 – Beech Forests – A German

BfN Schriften 126 – Users of Genetic Resources in Germany: Awareness, Participation and Positions regarding the Convention on Biological Diversity | BFN

The study focuses on German companies and research institutions which use genetic – The objective of the study is to identify German users and their level of awareness
Diversity Biologische Vielfalt• Nagoya-Protokoll BfN-Schriften The study focuses on German

Third Sino‐German Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation | BFN

This year is the UN proclaimed 2010 International  Year  of  Biodiversity.  The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity,  governments  of  contracting parties, relevant organizations and authorities carry out a series of activities focused on  the theme of „Biodiversity is life. Biodiversity  is  our  life.”,  aimed  at publicizing the sense of biodiversity conservation and the concept of harmony between human andnature. 
Third Sino‐German Workshop On Biodiversity Conservation BfN Schriften 292 – Developing