Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Balkan

Meintest du balkon?

People, things and ideas across the Central Mediterranean in the 3rd mill. BC

Throughout Europe, the 3rd millennium is marked by the presence of large-scale ideologically-motivated interaction networks, and is believed to be a “period of passage” from a Neolithic economy based on ownership and mobilization of agro-pastoral resources, to a market economy, based on the long-distance exchange of metal, both as raw material and finished product. One of the most fascinating of these far-reaching contacts is the Cetina phenomenon, which spread from Dalmatia across the Central Mediterranean and represented a common denominator for areas from the Caput Adriae in the north to Sicily and the Maltese Islands, and the Peloponnese in the south.
environments and different “Cetinascapes” across the Mediterranean and the western Balkans