Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: with

Pädophilie und sexueller Kindesmissbrauch im Nationalsozialismus | BELTZ

176The paper presents a research project dealing with – the current status of research, the text also deals with – files from the Landesarchiv Berlin (1933 – 1945) deal with
176 The paper presents a research project dealing with

Gedanken zur Interkulturellen und International Vergleichenden Sonderpädagogik. | BELTZ

imple-mentation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with – Which challenges is it confronted with? – discipline, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
imple-mentation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with

Subjektive Barrieren der Nutzung von Gesundheitsförderung für pflegende Angehörige | BELTZ

findings is that obstacles are more often connected with – personal perceptions than with external circumstances – Also findings with regard to different attitudes towards – ageing are discussed in connection with potential
findings is that obstacles are more often connected with

Selbsteinschätzung Pflegender zum Schmerzmanagement und zur Qualität der Versorgung vor und nach einer Schulung | BELTZ

pain therapy, communication among themselves and with – physicians, satisfaction with in-house trainings and – Nurses´ satisfaction with the quality of pain therapy – correlated closely with physician communication and – knowledge had a higher influence on nurses´ satisfaction with
pain therapy, communication among themselves and with

Komplexe Einweisungsgründe für Menschen mit Demenz in eine Geronto-psychiatrie – Ergebnisse einer explorativen Dokumentenanalyse in den Jahren 2015 – 2016 | BELTZ

admission documents, the reasons for admissions of people with – medical and nursing reasons and their interaction with – present at the same time, particularly in connection with – medical, nursing and social needs in the care of people with
admission documents, the reasons for admissions of people with

Geschlechtsunterschiede im selbst eingeschätzten Sozial- und Lernverhalten und in den Mathematik- und Deutschnoten von Schülern | BELTZ

Positive correlations with the grades were approximately – Good grades in math were also associated with high – perceived independence as well as with low assessments – , whereas good grades in German were also related with
Positive correlations with the grades were approximately

Unterstützung von älteren Menschen mit Behinderung und erhöhtem Pflegebedarf – Wissenschaftliche Herausforderungen | BELTZ

wissenschaftliche HerausforderungenFor several years now, elderly with – issues are illustrated in this paper and discussed with – question of needs-based assistance.Keywordselderly with
Herausforderungen For several years now, elderly with

Problemlagen und Beratungsbedarf in der Sekundarstufe I aus der Perspektive der Jugendlichen sowie deren Eltern | BELTZ

development opportunities, but is also connected with – This study focused on the challenges in dealing with – and support, in particular underachieving students with – general secondary schools and underachieving girls with
development opportunities, but is also connected with