Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: with

Education – Special Needs Education – Inclusive Education | BELTZ

With the implementation of the New Education and Training – 1994) and the UN-Convention on the Rights of People with – expansion of education, including education for students with – removing already existing institu-tions for children with – education, UN Conven-tion on the Rights of Persons with
With the implementation of the New Education and Training

Kultursensible Pflege in der ambulanten Versorgung: Eine qualitative Studie | BELTZ

The increasing number of individuals with migration – empirical results concerning the experience of nurses with – Therefore, problem-centered interviews with episodic – The feedback of results with participants took place – professional advancement and development, interaction with
Zusammenfassung The increasing number of individuals with

Education – Special Needs Education – Inclusive Education | BELTZ

With the implementation of the New Education and Training – 1994) and the UN-Convention on the Rights of People with – expansion of education, including education for students with – removing already existing institu-tions for children with – education, UN Conven-tion on the Rights of Persons with
With the implementation of the New Education and Training

Pädagogische Handlungsfelder im Kontext urbanen Alterns am Beispiel multikultureller Nachbarschaften | BELTZ

remarks selected findings from a dissertational project with – neighbourhood perception among community-dwelling elders with – Selected data from two focus group interviews with – Findings are discussed with respect to potential interventions
remarks selected findings from a dissertational project with

Relevanz und Funktion von Differenzkonstruktionen im Alltag integrativer Kindertageseinrichtungen | BELTZ

PraxistheorieThe UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with – basis for the inclusion and participation of people with – In this article, the authors disagree with the normativity – Fenstermaker 1995) through their everyday interactions with
Praxistheorie The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with

Soziale Determinanten des Lehrerhandelns | BELTZ

at the cooperation and communication of teachers with – data from a questionnaire study (Project EDUCARE) with – more years on the job are more likely to cooperate with – The article closes with a plea for the inclusion of – elementary school, social background, cooperation with
at the cooperation and communication of teachers with

Selbstbestimmt leben im Alter Anforderungen an die Angebotsgestaltung für lebenslang (geistig) behinderte Menschen | BELTZ

illustrates what kind of opportunities for support people with – aging developed within gerontological research, and with – , which pick up the perspective of elderly people with
illustrates what kind of opportunities for support people with