Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: with

Das Konzept Lebensqualität von Menschen mit Demenz verstehen – Zwei Ansätze zur theoretischen Auseinandersetzung | BELTZ

and frequently applied outcome in trials for people with – and empirically based definition of Qol for people with – of statements related to quality of life of people with – experience reports from family caregivers of people with – people with Alzheimer´s disease were ascertained.
and empirically based definition of Qol for people with

„Stalked by the state“: GPS surveillance technology and sex offender parolees | BELTZ

Instead, this paper focuses on narratives with sex – understandings of GPS including their everyday experiences with – Therefore, qualitative research with sex offender parolees – living with GPS will highlight themes associated with
Instead, this paper focuses on narratives with sex

Palliative Care und Dementia Care – Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zweier innovativer Versorgungskonzepte im Lichte der Entwicklung in Deutschland | BELTZ

Palliative care with its origin in the hospice idea – In order to improve care for people with dementia collaborations – the concepts of palliative care and dementia care with – Striking parallels can be found with regard to historical – A different background of these volunteers with regard
in Deutschland Zusammenfassung Palliative care with

Boundary Experiences in Canada: ‘Doing Migration’ and the Role of Adult Education | BELTZ

Adults’ engagement with international boundaries can – migration, I draw on narrative interviews conducted with – individuals with tertiary education who moved to Canada
Adult Education Zusammenfassung Adults’ engagement with

Desistance research and critical criminology: a conversation | BELTZ

criminologists in Germany have been criticized for dealing with – perspectives of research are outright incompatible with – coexist quite peacefully in international criminology – with
criminologists in Germany have been criticized for dealing with

,Der hat immer ´ne zweite Mutter bei sich´ | BELTZ

paraprofessionals are used widely for the support of children with – special education needs with the aim to guarantee – In group discussions with primary students it was explored – The group discussions were analysed with the use of
paraprofessionals are used widely for the support of children with

Bewusstheitskontexte und Identitätskonstruktionen homosexueller Frauen und Männer im Setting der Altenpflege – Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie | BELTZ

Thirty-two interviews were conducted with lesbian women – and gay men receiving care and eleven with professional – With their study, the authors broaden Ken Plummer´s – (1973) concept of awareness contexts in dealing with – and Anselm Strauss´ (1965) theory of interaction with
Thirty-two interviews were conducted with lesbian women

Selbstbestimmt leben im Alter Anforderungen an die Angebotsgestaltung für lebenslang (geistig) behinderte Menschen | BELTZ

illustrates what kind of opportunities for support people with – aging developed within gerontological research, and with – , which pick up the perspective of elderly people with
illustrates what kind of opportunities for support people with

Einfluss von Wundexperten auf Selbstmanagement, Schmerzen und Lebensqualität von Menschen mit chronischen Wunden im häuslichen Setting | BELTZ

nurses are increasingly responsible for patients with – pain, and quality of life, a cross-sectional study with – 143 patients with chronic wounds in home care setting – Mean age of the sub-sample with involvement of a wound – Those patients with wound care nurse support reported
nurses are increasingly responsible for patients with