Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: with

Zur Situation unbegleiteter minderjähriger Flüchtlinge mit einer Hörschädigung in Deutschland | BELTZ

This publication is a first step by deaf education with – regard to refugees with hearing loss. – 2015 first data about unaccompanied minor refugees with – support measures for young unaccompanied refugees with – are presented.Keywords: deaf education, refugees with
This publication is a first step by deaf education with

Elternschaft unter Beobachtung | BELTZ

character of the vulnerable parent of risk – those with – within the family as well as in institutions, parents with – roles, however, regardless of cultural differences with – Parents with migrant background are under particular – in the context of doing and/or displaying family with
character of the vulnerable parent of risk – those with

Demenz und geistige Behinderung – Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der Begleitung | BELTZ

Intervention Abstract: The growing amount of people with – the broad variety of care concepts for individuals with – lack of methods of support for aging individuals with – , in order to fulfill the special needs of people with – staff and especially for co-residents of the person with
Intervention Abstract: The growing amount of people with

Zur Situation unbegleiteter minderjähriger Flüchtlinge mit einer Hörschädigung in Deutschland | BELTZ

This publication is a first step by deaf education with – regard to refugees with hearing loss. – 2015 first data about unaccompanied minor refugees with – support measures for young unaccompanied refugees with – Keywords: deaf education, refugees with hearing loss
This publication is a first step by deaf education with

Können Haltungen und Verhalten verändert werden? | BELTZ

prepared for inclusive settings – even in countries with – long-standing experience of joint learning of students with – A constructive proposal on how to deal with this problem – in teacher education is currently being discussed with
prepared for inclusive settings – even in countries with

Können Haltungen und Verhalten verändert werden? | BELTZ

prepared for inclusive settings – even in countries with – long-standing experience of joint learning of students with – A constructive proposal on how to deal with this problem – in teacher education is currently being discussed with
prepared for inclusive settings – even in countries with

,Der hat immer ´ne zweite Mutter bei sich´ | BELTZ

paraprofessionals are used widely for the support of children with – special education needs with the aim to guarantee – In group discussions with primary students it was explored – The group discussions were analysed with the use of
paraprofessionals are used widely for the support of children with

E-Learning für erwachsene Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten – Potenziale für mehr Teilhabe | BELTZ

könnte.According to the UN – Convention on the Rights of Persons with – necessary to develop inclusive education for adults with – “ and „acceptance“ of adult education for persons with – could support and increase participation of people with
According to the UN – Convention on the Rights of Persons with

Emanzipation als Merkmal von Bildungshabitus? Zum Bildungserfolg junger Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund | BELTZ

discourse about educational-successful young women with – studies point out to the fact that just young women with – reasons for the educational success of the young women with – who are confronted in the German education system with – about the educational success of female students with
discourse about educational-successful young women with

Überlebensstrategien – ein Phasenmodell zum Charakter des Bewältigungshandeln chronisch Erkrankter | BELTZ

With reference to the present theories on managing – generalize the knowledge about how chronically ill cope with – This model reveals that coping with chronic illness – In contrast to that the dealing with the disease develops – the challenges the chronically ill are confronted with
With reference to the present theories on managing