Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: with

Mathematische Förderung von Kindern mit intellektueller Beeinträchtigung | BELTZ

regarding the mathematical instruction of students with – The sample comprised 135 SET with different educational – development of number concepts and had the most difficulty with
regarding the mathematical instruction of students with

Bildungsentscheidungen am Übergang in die Grundschule im Spannungsfeld von Selektion und Inklusion | BELTZ

the quantitative studies which ask in connection with – confronted in the processing of educational deci-sions with – selection versus inclusion and situational (must) wrestle with
the quantitative studies which ask in connection with

Intersektionalität und Diskriminierung | BELTZ

The Convention On the Rights of Peoples with Disabilities – only at the overcoming of barriers and prejudices, with – are discriminated against and how they might cope with – , law, legal, Convention On the Rights of Peoples with
The Convention On the Rights of Peoples with Disabilities

Caring in der Betreuung lern- und körperbehinderter Patienten im Krankenhaus – eine qualitative Studie | BELTZ

Method: A qualitative study was carried out with an – Narrative interviews were conducted with 12 nurses, – who care for patients with learning disabilities in – Discussion: The understanding of Caring in nursing people with
Method: A qualitative study was carried out with an