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2024: 40 years private media from audio to video – „2024 is the year when the political course for our industry is set for the next decade“ – VAUNET

Private audio and audiovisual media will celebrate its 40th anniversary in Germany in 2024. For the industry, this year will be the year of setting the political course for the next decade.
before – private television and private radio broke with

Media Usage 2019: Television and radio are the favourite activities of Germans – VAUNET

The consumption of television and radio programming as well as other audiovisual media remains by far the most popular activity: Germans (aged 14 years and over) spent about 9 hours and 3 minutes per day consuming audiovisual media last year.
This importance of course comes with commitments for

Advertising revenue of the audio and audiovisual media on the road to recovery in Germany – VAUNET

The VAUNET spring forecast for the advertising market in 2022 in Germany shows: Revenue volume of the entire industry is on the road to recovery, radio and TV advertising is still below the pre-pandemic level, while growth is driven by streaming advertising.
market in 2022, which was published in connection with

VAUNET spring forecast: Advertising in audio and audiovisual media set to grow again in 2024 in Germany – VAUNET

The VAUNET spring forecast for the advertising market in 2024 in Germany shows: Advertising revenue in the audio and audiovisual media is expected to rise by about 6.1 per cent after a 4 per cent decline in 2023. The advertising market for audio and audiovisual media has experienced significant volatility since the onset of the coronavirus crisis four years ago. The analysis also highlights trends in advertising revenue over the past 40 years since the launch of commercial broadcasting.
advertising segments, which was published in connection with

Audio and audiovisual media see moderate ad revenue growth in 2023 in Germany – VAUNET

The VAUNET spring forecast for the advertising market in 2023 in Germany shows: Advertising revenue in the audio and audiovisual media is expected to rise moderately by about 1.2 per cent after slight declines in 2022. Since 2019, the development in the advertising market is very volatile, impending advertising bans endanger media and opintion diversity.
providers, which have consistently shown positive growth with

Media consumption in 2021: Daily audio and audiovisual media usage in Germany rises to 10 hours for the first time – VAUNET

The use of audio and audiovisual media in Germany increased in 2021 for the second year running since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching a new record. For the first time, people aged 14 and over in Germany consumed audiovisual media for an average of 10 hours per day. Daily use of television, radio and other audiovisual media grew over the previous year by 13 minutes to 10 hours. These were the key findings of the VAUNET Media Usage Analysis for 2021, compiled by the VAUNET Association of Private Media on the basis of secondary sources and published today.
The popularity of online video continued to rise, with