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Media consumption in 2022: Level of audio and audiovisual media usage within media time budget in Germany rises to nearly 90% – VAUNET

Der Anteil der Audio- und audiovisuellen Mediennutzung am gesamten Medienzeitbudget der Nutzer:innen in Deutschland ist im zurückliegenden Jahr auf knapp 90 Prozent angestiegen. Im Durchschnitt konsumierten die Menschen im Jahr 2022 mit 9 Stunden und 43 Minuten täglich über eine halbe Stunde länger Audio- und audiovisuellen Medien als noch im Vorkrisenjahr 2019.
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Media consumption in 2021: Daily audio and audiovisual media usage in Germany rises to 10 hours for the first time – VAUNET

The use of audio and audiovisual media in Germany increased in 2021 for the second year running since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching a new record. For the first time, people aged 14 and over in Germany consumed audiovisual media for an average of 10 hours per day. Daily use of television, radio and other audiovisual media grew over the previous year by 13 minutes to 10 hours. These were the key findings of the VAUNET Media Usage Analysis for 2021, compiled by the VAUNET Association of Private Media on the basis of secondary sources and published today.
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German pay TV and paid video revenues grew to more than 4 billion euros for the first time in 2020 – VAUNET

The market for pay TV and paid video continues to show highly-dynamic growth. VAUNET, the leading association for commercial audiovisual media in Germany, has documented this development in its publication
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Pay-TV Celebrates New Audience Records and Invests in Local In-house Productions – VAUNET

Pay-TV and video services continue to record rising demand throughout the German-speaking territories and are investing to an increasing extent in local in-house productions. These are the key findings of the market analysis Pay-TV in Germany 2018.
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