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VAUNET-Video-Podcast zu 40 Jahre Private Medien – VAUNET

Im Video-Podcast von DWDL und VAUNET „40 Years On Air” spricht DWDL-Chefredakteur Thomas Lückerath mit prägenden Persönlichkeiten der Audio- und audiovisuellen Medienbranche anlässlich des 40-jährigen Jubiläums der privaten AV-Medien in Deutschland über die Entwicklung, Zukunft und große Herausforderungen.
März German Creative Economy Summit Ziel ist es,

VAUNET study on future trends in in-car infotainment – VAUNET

The prospect of tomorrow’s cars not being fitted with a radio or some other form of audio system is inconceivable. If anything, the importance of high-quality in-car audio systems and radio/audio services looks set to rise. Linear radio will remain relevant, yet at the same time, the trend towards personalization, hybrid solutions, and the integration of additional devices and services will continue. These are the key findings of the VAUNET study entitled ‘Fast Forward: The Future of In-Car Audio’ addressing the development of in-car infotainment over the next few years.
VAUNET-Gesamtbericht InCar-Audio 2021“ (Switch-On & Fast Forward; in German