Florian Haerle // Universität Oldenburg https://uol.de/diz/promotionsprogramme/prodid-didaktische-rekonstruktion/doktorandinnen-bis-2008/doktorandinnen-2001-2004/florian-haerle
Primary School students‘ epistemological beliefs have
Primary School students‘ epistemological beliefs have
suggests how the critical issues identified here might have
i.e. subject-matter presentation and interaction, have
I have read and understood the privacy policy of the
It does not have any legally binding effects.
foundations in the form of an educational loan If you have
We have space for 9 contributed talks in the programme
It does not have any legally binding effects.
efficient Web compression (research paper and demo paper) have
We are happy to announce that a new confocal microscope Olympus FV3000 is installed as a part of the light microscopy core facility in the building W34 . It will be also equipt with FLIM system, which will be installed in January.
1.05 Silicon oil and 60x NA 1.3 Silicon If you have