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GRUNDTVIG Multilateral Project „Volunteer Management in European Parks“

EUROPARC Cunsulting has delivered a study about the impact of volunteering in European protected areas. This study has demonstrated that both volunteers and volunteer co-ordinators see substantial benefits in volunteering in protected areas. These benefits accrue both to the volunteers themselves, to the protected areas in which they work, and to the communities in and […]
Consulting has drawn their conclusion from interviews with

GRUNDTVIG Multilateral Project „Volunteer Management in European Parks“

Baiba Bekiša from the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia was visiting the Lower Saxonian section of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve ‘Flusslandschaft Elbe’ (Elbe River Landscape) for five days in May 2013. The staff member of the Latvian Agency got a general overview and impression about the management of the riverine Biosphere Reserve and introduced the […]
aware about the natural values in their territory and with

GRUNDTVIG Multilateral Project „Volunteer Management in European Parks“

How to manage an international group of volunteers, meeting in the middle of nowhere, in pure wilderness, all of them willing to do something they never have done before? This is a very different context for managing volunteers than Stephanie Schubert (EUROPARC Germany) and Heike Kirchner (Junior Ranger Assistant) at the biosphere reserve Rhön) are […]
Assistant) at the biosphere reserve Rhön) are dealing with

GRUNDTVIG Multilateral Project „Volunteer Management in European Parks“

One of the main activities of the project is the europewide exchange of volunteers and park staff as tutors and learners. The project partners can send or host volunteers and volunteer coordinators of their members. The placements last from 5 to 21 days. Are you interested in the reports of staff and volunteers who have […]
agricultural work and animal husbandry, nature hikes with

GRUNDTVIG Multilateral Project „Volunteer Management in European Parks“

Lietuvos Valstybiniu Parku ir Rezervatu Asociacija Juozas Vaičiulevičius Didžioji g. 10 90420 Plateliai, Plunge raj Lithuania Tel.: +370/(0)61065078, +370/(0)60105222, +370/(0)38559426 E-Mail:, Web:  
Web:   This project has been funded with