Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: per

Senza fine / Silent Book / Zongxi Deng – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren  What happens to us when someone dear to us passes away?Maybe not everything about her disappears, but something, or someone, remains in a different form to continue to be close to the people she loves. As? This wordless illustrated book, winner of the Silent Book Contest Junior 2023, tells us ab
celebre fiaba di Hans Christian Andersen raccontata per

L’altro / Bilderbuch Italianish / Lenina Barducci / Chiara Ficarelli – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren  Who is the Other? The different? The stranger? Are we really sure we see things from the right perspective? A book that will change our point of view. A powerful illustrated book that with the sole strength of the images will question the prejudices that we all have towards what we don’t know. A
celebre fiaba di Hans Christian Andersen raccontata per

LO ZAINETTO DI MATILDE / Silent Book / Luca Cognolato / Silvia del Fra – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren  When lessons end and Matilde leaves school, her grandfather is there at the exit waiting for her and carrying her backpack. How will they spend the day together, waiting for mom and dad to get home? A wordless book dedicated to the figure of grandparents, so precious for the little ones in their
celebre fiaba di Hans Christian Andersen raccontata per

Matriochka / Besondere Bücher / Fanette Mellier – mundo azul

Für Erwachsene: Matriochka is a small book that tells a very short, but very intricate story. 16 Russian dolls shrink from page to page, the last one measuring only a few millimeters high. Fanette Mellier invites us to explore this multicolored family in microscopic detail. Observed under a magnifying glass, the ordina
u003e\n\u003cp\u003eQuanto tempo lasciamo ai bambini per

Degelo / Silent Book / André Letria – mundo azul

Ein Leporello ohne Text über einen Schneemann in moderne Zeiten.  Für alle Altersgruppen  ——————— Os invernos são sempre longos de mais. A estação do frio, da neve e do gelo é triste, obriga ao recolhimento e produz estados de espíritos sombrios. As primaveras deviam chegar mais cedo. DesconcertinasUma co
u003e\n\u003cp\u003eQuanto tempo lasciamo ai bambini per

Radar / Daniele Castellano / Rey Naranjo Editores, Bilderbuch Spanisch – mundo azul

Was passiert nun, wenn die Geschichte des einen sich mit der Geschichte des anderen kreuzt und verwebt, wenn beide ihre Perspektiven und Geschichten in dasselbe Buch schreiben?  Ein faszinierendes Buch ganz ohne Text, für alle Altersgruppen.  ______________ “Radar” dibujado a dos manos por Daniele Castellano y Bruno Zo
u003e\n\u003cp\u003eQuanto tempo lasciamo ai bambini per

Tempo / Silent Book / Kinderbuch Portugiesisch / André Letría – mundo azul

Ein Leporello ohne Text über die Zeit, die vergeht.  Für alle Altersgruppen.  ————O tempo provoca erosão. O que parecia forte e inabalável decompoõe-se até se transformar em pó. E a memória, também ela sujeita à erosão do tempo, desvanece e abre espaço ao renascimento do que parecia acabado.DesconcertinasUma co
u003e\n\u003cp\u003eQuanto tempo lasciamo ai bambini per

Birds / Pop Up Book / Damien Poulain – mundo azul

Pop Up book für Kinder ab 3 und für Alle —- Through the use of a colourful and geometric visual language, Damien Poulain’s mix ‘n’ match board book Birds allows the reader to create 50 different totemic birds. Guided by the pleasure of the movement and the colors, the reader composes a new bird figure with every turn
u003e\n\u003cp\u003eQuanto tempo lasciamo ai bambini per

Ada und Eva / Silent Book / Laura D’Arcangelo – mundo azul

Ada und Eva. Zwei junge Frauen begegnen einander und fühlen sich zueinander hingezogen. Die textlose Publikation visualisiert die Selbstverständlichkeit einer gleichgeschlechtlichen Liebe ohne viel Pathos. Leise und zugänglich. Autorin und Illustratorin Laura D’Arcangelo wurde 2018 für ihr Erstlingswerk für den deutsch
u003e\n\u003cp\u003eQuanto tempo lasciamo ai bambini per

Annemin İçindeki Ses / Silent Book / Deniz Üçbaşaran – mundo azul

Ein Bilderbuch ohne Text über den Abenteuer, Geschwister zu bekommen.  Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren.  —————————- Annemin İçindeki Ses, Deniz Üçbaşaran’ın kelimelere ihtiyaç duymadan anlattığı bir öykü. Annemin İçindeki Ses, okumak için okur yazar olmayı gerektirmeyen, okurun kendi hikâyesini kendinin kurmas
u003e\n\u003cp\u003eQuanto tempo lasciamo ai bambini per