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Sombras / Kinderbuch Spanisch / Eduardo Carrera / Amanda Mijangos – mundo azul

Ein Spiel mit Licht, Schatten und Farben.  Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren.  ————–A través de la poesía de Eduardo Carrera y las bellas ilustraciones de Amanda Mijangos, los lectores conocerán algunas de las muchas caras de las sombras. © Loqueleo
Books {„id“:9708504056076,“title“:“Ray – 20 pasos para

Un corazón / Bilderbuch Spanisch / Noemí Fabra – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren  „A good book for Valentine’s Day! The heart sets the rhythm of our life. It is a powerful muscle, a pump that circulates blood throughout the body. But, beyond that, the heart hides a thousand stories and legends and, above all, it represents love and feelings. That is why we find it so graphica
Books {„id“:9708504056076,“title“:“Ray – 20 pasos para

Otra lluvia / Bilderbuch Spanisch / Laura Devetach / Maria Wernike – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren „Not all rains are the same… there are clear rains, subtle rains, whispering rains, rains that barely wet, rains that soak. Where do they come from? Will there be umbrellas for all kinds of rain?A minimal and delicate story by Laura Devetach illustrated with the subtlety of María Wernicke.“ —
Books {„id“:9708504056076,“title“:“Ray – 20 pasos para

Quién soy / Bilderbuch Spanisch / Tzu-Chun Chang – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren  „We all ask ourselves “who am I” at some point. This book accompanies us on the journey to search for the answer. Quién soy is a book about learning this universal topic that contains this question, and its answer from different perspectives. Following the girl and her cat on their adventure to
Books {„id“:9708504056076,“title“:“Ray – 20 pasos para

Portugiesisches Bilderbuch „Dança “ von João Fazenda – mundo azul

Ein Bilderbuch ohne Text aus Portugal. Über den eigenen Körper, Bewegung, Tanzen.  Für alle Altersgruppen. Auch für Erwachsene.  _____  Ele quer Dançar, mas o corpo não obedece; ela é leve e balança. Ele é contido e rectílinea; ela é descontraída e voa com ritmo. Ele vive num mundo ortogonal, pesado e previsível, até d
Books {„id“:9708504056076,“title“:“Ray – 20 pasos para