Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gestern

Plunge / Besondere Pop-Up- und Handgemachte Bücher / Chisato – mundo azul

Ein besonderePop-Up-Buch, handgemacht, für alle, die das Meer lieben und. Ein kleine Kunstwerk aus Papier.  Für alle Altersgruppe.  —————– This book begins with a dive into the sea, down into the deep and back again, encountering various creatures on the way. They pages are designed to be held and angled in
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste

„Senegal“ Artur Scriabin, Joanna Concejo / Kinderbuch Italienisch – mundo azul

Ein schönes illustriertes Buch von der polnischen Illustratorin Joanna Concejo. Auch für Erwachsene.  — Un ricordo d’infanzia, il giorno in cui ha nevicato in Senegal, si fa scrittura poetica e melanconica. Il canto della madre, il freddo che gela il corpo non preparato, il cadere lento dei fiocchi di neve, la luce,
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste

Spaces / Besondere Bücher / Antonio Ladrillo – mundo azul

Für Erwachsene: Spaces is composed of a white rectangle filled with alive colors. Each page is divided in three foldable vertical stripes. As the reader folds and unfolds the pages, space is divided, closed, open or sees its frames become multicolored. With a minimalist structure, Antonio Ladrillo invites us to his vis
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste

어느 날 / One Day / Bilderbuch Koreanisch / 서선정 / Seonjeong Seo – mundo azul

„2022 Bologna Children’s Book Fair Selected Illustrator of the Year!Crossing one street is entering another world!Now, with this picture book, the crossing becomes a door to a completely different world!Going to play in a town where the universe overflows and the stars flow under your feet?As long as you are prepared t
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste

여름 / My Summer / Kinderbuch Koreanisch / Soyoung Lee – mundo azul

Ein Koreanisches Bilderbuch über den Sommer in der Stadt Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren. ———————- As spring passes, summer comes around. The heavy heat of summer weighs everyone down. On one side, the heatwaves blur our mind, but on the other, does it not bring much needed relaxation? From another perspective, th
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste

Au soleil / Bilderbuch Französisch / Fanette Mellier / Paul Cox – mundo azul

Dizygotic twin of the book Dans la lune, Au soleil transcribes a daily solar cycle in 6 colors. Fanette Mellier proposes to assess the radiation of light as color expansion: from morning blue to sunset purple, sun halos permeate the atmosphere with incandescent colors.“ ————————————————-
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste

A la sombra de un naranjo / Kinderbuch Spanisch / Juliana Muñoz Toro / – mundo azul

Das besonderes Buch im Form eines altes Pergament, erzählt die Geschichte von Layla, die Flaschenpost begraben vor ihrer Haustür findet.  Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren.  —————————————– Layla encuentra una botella enterrada bajo las raíces del naranjo que crece al frente de su casa. Adentro hay un me
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste

Beasts of India / Kinderbuch aus Indien / Kanchana Arni and Gita Wolf – mundo azul

Ein besonderes, handgemachtes Bilderbuch über Tiere in Indien.  Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren. ————————————-Here are India’s best-known beasts — tiger, elephant, deer, snake… rendered by a variety of folk and tribal artists. Each of their artistic traditions conceives of the beast in distinctive ways,
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste

Bloom / Bilderbuch Französisch / Julie Safirstein – mundo azul

„Bloom is a book in the round whose pages open like petals, revealing a delicate bouquet of flowers. Open Julie Safirstein’s work and enter a poetic garden full of colours both bright and pastel, overlays… This pop-up book full of folds appeals to the one’s sense of play and imagination.?“ —————————–
structure minimale, Antonio Ladrillo nous invite dans son univers visuel où un geste