Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: fuer

Magazine sneak peek October 2024

Discover how scientists assembled the massive skeleton of a newly discovered dino and see photos of what experts think it might have looked like. Then explore the tools archaeologists used at the site to unearth the fragile discovery. And be sure to play „Dino Superstars“ to find out which dino might win the award for most dangerous, loudest, smallest, and more!
•  Big Question: Discover why animals shed their fur

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Magazine sneak peek March 2024

Go inside a volcano in Japan to discover how this hot spot puts on a cool show. One of the world’s most active volcanoes, Sakurajima erupts about 200 times a year! Learn why that’s a good thing for researchers, plus discover how people living near the volcano deal with all the volcanic ash.
You Didn’t Know: Find out seven fuzzy facts about fur

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